Rates Overview

Rates Overview


Rental Rates are applied to every revenue booking inside RCM, and there are many different types of rates that can be set up. These include:
  1. Daily Rates
  2. Hourly Rates
  3. Weekly/Monthly Rates
  4. Part Day Rates
  5. Weekend Rates
  6. Corporate Rates
  7. Agent Rates 
Every different rate type with the exception of Weekly/Month and Weekend rates, can be defined by Seasons. A Season is a time period in which you can set a specific rate. This allows you to charge higher rates during 'Peak' season, and lower ones during 'Low' season. You are able to set up as many Seasons as you need and can set them for specific locations. Your RCM system has a Season called Default. If you choose not to set up Seasons, then every Rate Type will be applied to Default, and if a booking does not fall within a specific Season, the Default Rates will be used.  

For more information of how to setup and use Seasons, please see the Seasons article.

Daily Rates

These are the default rates which you will need to set up, as all bookings will use these rates unless specified otherwise. 

You will first need to specify the Rate Structure. The Rate Structure allows you to set specific lengths of hire where you can set up different rates. E.g. 1-10, 11-20 and 21+ days where you charge lower rates for longer hires. 
Please note: you can set up as many or as few of these as you wish. For more information, please see the Rate Structure article.

Once the Rate Structure is set up, you will need to set up a Daily Rates for each Vehicle Category at each Location. If you are implementing Seasons, you will need to do this for each Season as well as the Default season. For information on how to setup and manage them, please see the Daily Rates article.

As part of Daily Rates, you are also able to set up weekend rates. These are the rates that will apply to a 2-day booking where the entire length of the booking falls between midday Friday and midday Monday. Whether or not these rates are used in your system are determined by the System Parameter shown below, this can be accessed by going to System Setup >> System Parameter >> Rate Parameters. If the System Parameter is set to Yes, then the weekend rates will automatically apply to any booking that match the length criteria. If the Parameter is set to No, then only the Daily Rates will be used.

Hourly Rates

Hourly Rates are useful for short-term bookings with a length of less than one day. These rates will automatically apply to any booking with a length that falls within the specified rate structure. If you do not wish to use Hourly Rates, simply so not enter any records, and Daily Rates will be used instead. 

Similar to Daily Rates, you will first need to set up the Hourly Rate Structure to define the range of hours to which specific rates apply, e.g. 1-4 Hours, 5-10 Hours. For information on how to set these up, please see the Hourly Rate Structure article. 

Once the Structure is defined, you will need to set up the Rates for each Category, Location and Season. Please note if there is booking that cannot find a record for it's Location or Category, it will charge daily rates. For information on how to set them up, please see the Hourly Rate article. 

Weekly/Monthly Rates

For long-term bookings, you are able to use different rates that are defined by a length of weeks or months, rather than days. Unlike Hourly Rates, these will not apply automatically. If a booking has a Vehicle Category and Pickup Location that matches a Weekly/Monthly Rates record, then a drop down will appear on the Booking Details page that allows you to select whether it uses Daily, Weekly or Monthly Rates. If there is not a Weekly/Monthly Rate set up for a booking's Pickup Location and Category, this dropdown will not appear, and Daily Rates will be used. 
Please note: Weekly/Monthly Rates do not use Seasons; they apply the same rate to any time period.

Firstly, you will need to set up how many Chargeable Days are in a month and a week. This value is used in the calculation of the daily rate if a booking is not exactly a week/month long. For example, is a booking goes for 1 month and 5 days, the daily rate for those days will be calculated by the Monthly Rate/Chargeable days. These Chargeable Days are also used to calculated how many days are being charged for Extra Fees and Insurance. For information of how to set this up, please see the Weekly/Monthly Rate Structure article. 

You can then enter the value charged for each month, and each week, for a specified Category and Location. For information on how to set this up, please see the Weekly/Monthly Rate article. 

Part Day Rates

If they set up for the Location, Part Day Rates will automatically apply to bookings that are not an exact number of days, e.g. 5 days and 8 hours long.

When setting up Part Days Rates, you do not need to define a specific Category or Season for each record, as they are based off a percentage of the Daily Rate. You will need to specify that for a Part Day of Hours A - B in length, each hour is a set percentage of the daily rate. Using the example above, if the Daily Rate is $100, and the Part Day Rate from hours 1-10, charges 10% of the daily rate each hour, it would be 5 days X $100 + 8 Hours (80% of $100).

Please note that when the Part Day Rate is greater than 100% (11 X 10%), then the Daily Rate will be used instead. For more information on how to setup and use them, please see the Part Day Rate article. 

There is a System Parameter in RCM that allows you to use Part Days Rates for bookings that are less than one day if there are no Hourly Rates setup. This Parameter, shown below, can be accessed by going to System Setup >> System Parameter >> Rate Parameters. If it is set to Yes, and Hourly rates are not set up for a specific Location and Category, than the Part Day Rates will be used for the short-term bookings instead of Daily Rates.

Weekend Rates

These are optional, highly specified rates that you can choose to set up, and they are used for bookings that start on a specific week day. They allows you to set a different daily rate for a booking that has a specific Pickup, Dropoff and length criteria. Though called Weekend rates, these records can be setup to start at any day during the week and can last any length of time. They also work independently of Seasons. For more information of how to setup and use them, please see the Weekend Rate article.

Corporate Rates

Corporate Rates are an optional feature that allow you to set up different rates for specific Customers or Companies. For example, this allows you to charge an increased rate for difficult customers, or a decreased rate for frequent companies.

You will need to set up a Corporate Rate Types. This is simply a name like "Frequent Flier", that you can then set up rates for. For more information on this please see the Corporate Rate Type article.

Afterward, you will need to set up Corporate Rates for each Corporate Rate Type. This works the same as Daily Rates where you have to specify the Location, Category and Season; it uses the same Rate Structure as Daily Rates. For more information, please see the Corporate Rates Setup article. 

Once you have created Corporate Rates, you then need to assign them to Customers or Companies for them to apply. This can be done using a drop down when you edit a Customer or Company on their maintenance pages. For more information on how to do this, please see the Corporate Rates article.

Agent Rates

The last type of rates are Agent Rates; if you do not have agents, you do not need to set these up. These are the rates that are applied to any agent bookings. Agents are only able to access these rates, they cannot use any of the ones described above. 

Agency Rates are set up similarly to Corporate Rates. Firstly, you will need to create Agency Rate Types, which are just names. You will then need to create Agency Rates for each Agency Rate Type, specific to each Season, Location and Category. Once this is completed, you can assign an Agency Rate Type to each Agent set up in your system, and these are the rates that they will be able to apply to bookings. For more information on how to set this up, please see the Setting up your Agency Database article.

In cases where you do not want to set up rates for specific Agents, Locations or Categories, there is a System Parameter that allows them to use the Daily Rates instead. This System Parameter is shown below and is accessed by going to System Setup >> System Parameter >> Rate Parameters. If this Parameter is set to Yes, then in any situation where there is no Agency Rate set up, any Agent booking will use the Daily Rate instead, if this is set to No, in the same situation the Agent booking will have no Rates.

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