Rates are the fees that you charge for renting out your fleet vehicles. Rental rates can be defined by Location, Season and Vehicle Category.
To get the most out of RCM functionality, we recommend that you devote some time to defining your rates before you start renting out your vehicles.
Before rates can be defined, you will need to ensure your locations, vehicle categories, and rate structures are all setup. You will also need to ensure your Seasons have been setup if you will be defining rates by Season.
Please read through the articles below if you need more information in the setup of these areas
Note - You do not have to set up any rates in the system. If you choose not to enter any rates, you will need to manually enter the rates when making a booking.
Accessing the Seasonal Rates
The Seasonal Rates tab can be found when clicking on the "Rates" icon under the System Setup menu.
System Setup >> Rates
When maintaining your rates, you need to select a 'Location' and an 'Active Season' or a 'Year' from the drop-down boxes as shown on the screen below.
You also have the option to check the box to include any vehicle categories with no rates set up.
Active Season:
In the 'Active Season(s) dropdown box, there is a 'Default' option along with any additional Seasons you have setup.
Rates can be created for the 'Default' season and/or each Season that you have created (High, Low, Spring, Summer etc.)
Note that the Rates entered for the 'Default' season will be used if there are no seasonal rates defined for the dates of the booking.
If you select the 'Year' all seasons setup for that year will display for the selected location.
Note that if you select the 'Year' view, you are not able to use the copy or update function. To use copy function, you must select a season.
Once you have made your selections, click "View" to display the result.
In this example we have chosen an 'Active Season'.
Maintaining Seasonal Rates - Add / Update Seasonal Rates
In this example, we will be using the existing location of Adelaide Airport and the season rate of Spring 2022.
As there are currently no rates defined for this season, we need to create them for your vehicle categories.
Click on the "Update seasonal rates" button.
The following screen displays allowing you to enter the rates for each category and period as required. Entering a weekend rate is optional, however all other rates for each period should be entered.
NOTE: The weekend rate applies only to reservations that fall between midday Friday and midday Monday.
Once you have entered the rates, click on the "Submit" button.
Once submitted, you will see the newly added rates for Adelaide Airport in the Spring 2022 season.
These rates will be applied to all reservations made within this period.
Once the rates for a Location/Season have been defined, you are able to copy the same rates to all locations and vehicle categories if applicable as below.
Maintaining Rates by Season - Copy Seasonal Rates
To Copy the Rates, click on "Copy Seasonal Rates"
The following screen will display allowing you to:
- Copy rates to all or individual locations and all or individual vehicle categories.
- Copy across the same rates to the same season at another location.
- Copy the same rates across to another season.
- Increase and decrease rates by a positive or negative percentage when copying (Decrease the rate by putting a negative sign in front of the % change eg. -10%).
- Copy the rates to a particular Agency Rate Type that you have setup.
Note you can individually select and un-select locations and vehicle categories.
In this example we are copying the Spring 2022 rates to the Mid Nov-Mid Dec season for Adelaide Airport location for all categories and also to the Agent Rate Type of VIP.
Once submitted, you will now see the Seasonal Rate - Spring 2022 has been copied across to the Adelaide Airport location for Mid Nov-Mid Dec season in all vehicle categories.
You will also now see the Seasonal Rate - Spring 2022 has been copied to Mid Nov-Mid Dec season in the Adelaide Airport location for all vehicle categories in the Agent Rate Type of VIP.
Delete a Rate
In the Rates table, click the bin icon under the Delete column to delete the record. Then click Yes on the confirmation message to delete the record.