Setting up your Agency Records

Setting up your Agency Records


The Agent module allows for the entry of individual Agents and their associated branches as well as agent specific rates and agent discounts.  

There are various areas that need to be setup for your Agents - these include:
  1. Rate Types - this determines which rates will apply to which agent. For example, an agent called 'ABC Travel' may have branches in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. This particular Agent requires rates priced at a 'Wholesale Rate' which is set up as a 'Rate Type'.  By assigning 'ABC Travel' the 'Wholesale Rate' type, this agent will then automatically be charged the rates associated with the type. You may have as many Agent Rate Types as required in the system. 
  2. Rates - Rates are set against each different Rate type, as needed for each location and season. 
  3. Discounts - Fixed or Percentage Discounts can be applied to individual agents.
  4. Agency and Branch setup and details - Record their details, and set of rates, commission, discount and items along with various other options.

Accessing the Agency Records

To Access the Agency Records, go to System Setup >> Agencies 

Adding Agent Rate Types

Agent Rate Types describe a specific set of rates for one or more Agents. To access it, select the Agency Rate Type tab.
Note that you can also apply your normal web/retail rates to agencies.  If you would like to do this, there is a System Parameter "If no agent rate set up, use retail rate".  

To add a record, click 'Add Agency Rate Type'.
Enter the Rate Type name and click on Submit to save. 

Adding Agent Rates

Agent Rates are the rates applied to agent bookings. These rates are linked to each Agent Rate Type, enabling you to apply a special rate to different agents. You may have as many Agent Rates as required.

To access, select the 'Agency Rate' tab.


When maintaining your agency rates, you need to select an ' Agency Rate Type', 'Location' and an 'Active Season' or a 'Year' from the drop-down boxes as shown on the screen below. 
Agency Rate Type
Select which Agency Rate Type you wish to view and update the rates of.
From the dropdown list of locations marked as "Renting Locations", select which location you want to view the rate of. 
Active Season
In this dropdown box, there is a 'Default' option along with any additional Seasons you have setup. Rates can be created for the 'Default' season and/or each Season that you have created in your system (High, Low, Spring, Summer etc.)
Select which seasons rate you want to view.

Note: Rates entered for the 'Default' season will only be used if there are no seasonal rates defined for the dates of the booking. 
If you select a 'Year', all the seasons setup in that year will display for the selected location, and this will override anything set in the Active Season filter above.

Note: if you select the 'Year' view, you are not able to use the copy or update function. To use copy function, you must select a season. 
Once you have made your selections, click 'View' to display the result.

In this example we have chosen an 'Active Season'. 

Updating and Copying Rates

To add a rate to a specific Vehicle Category, click on 'Add a Rate'.
A more time saving way to add Agent Rates for multiple Vehicle Categories for a location (Brisbane Airport) and Season (Summer 20-21), is by clicking on the 'Update seasonal rates' button.

The following screen will appear. From here you can easily add in Agent Rates for all the Vehicle Categories that are available. Click 'Submit' to save all changes made. 

Once submitted, you will see the newly added agent rates for Brisbane Airport in the Summer 20-21 season. You will then be able to copy the same rates to all or selected locations and vehicle categories for that season.

To Copy the Rates, click on "Copy Seasonal Rates".

The following screen will display allowing you to: 
  1. Copy rates to all or individual locations and all or individual vehicle categories.
  2. Copy across the same rates to the same season of another location.
  3. Increase and decrease rates by a positive or negative percentage when copying (Decrease the rate by putting a negative sign in front of the % change eg. -10%).
Note you can individually select and un-select locations and vehicle categories. 

In this example we are copying the Summer rates to Gold Coast Airport for Compact, Station Wagon and Mid Size vehicles.

Once submitted, you will see the Summer Seasonal Rate has been copied across to the Gold Coast Airport location for those vehicle categories. 

Adding Agent Default Discounts

Agent Default Discounts are discounts that may be applied to all bookings made by a specific agent.  The discount can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the rates against the booking.  
You may have as many Agent Discounts as required, however only one may apply to an agency or agency branch.

Select the 'Default Discount' tab.

Field Descriptions:

Describes the agency discount, this is used as the discounts name.
Discount % ValueThe percentage discount that will apply.
In Use
This shows whether or not the Discount is in use against an Agency or Agent Branch.

Adding Agents

Click on the Agencies Tab

You may either add a new Agent by clicking on 'Add agencies' or maintain an existing Agent by clicking on the Agency Code. The entries at this level relate to the top level Agency company. By clicking on the 'Branches' button, you can then add Branches for this Agency.

Clicking on 'Add Agencies' will open the following form. 

Enter the required details and click on 'Submit' to save the Agency Information

Field Descriptions: 

Agency Name
The name of the agency.
Is the Agent Active or Inactive - Inactive agents cannot make bookings via the API.
Agency Code
Short Code for the agent - this will appear in drop down lists for selection.
Either the GST number or the ABN number for the agent.
Agent IATA code if applicable - used as an identifier in the agent booking steps.
Account No
The account number for this agent if there is one.
Commission Type
Commission can be Percentage or Fixed.
Commission Value
The value of the commission.
Default Rate Discount
If a discount applies to bookings from this agent, this button will open a list of discounts you already set up and will allow you to create a new one to add to the booking.
Agency Rate Type
The Rate Type that applies to this agent.
Wholesale Agent
Whether the agent is a Wholesale agent or not. Wholesale Agent documentation displays differently from non-wholesale agent. 
Display Insurances on documents
Should insurance amounts show on documents - only applicable for Wholesale Agents.
Display Extra Fees on documents
Should Extra Fees show on documents  - only applicable for Wholesale Agents.
Display Balance for Wholesale
Should the booking balance appear on customer facing documents - only applicable for Wholesale Agents.
API: Allow Cancel bookings
Determines if an agent can cancel a booking via the Agent API
API: Allow Update Bookings
Determines if an agent can update a booking vis the Agent API if the System Parameter "Allow agents to update bookings via the API" if set to Allow for Selected Agents.
API: Allow define Collected Amt
Determines if an agent can pass the agent collected amount in when creating a booking via the Agent API. if they do, it will be saved as the Agent Collected amount on the booking, rather than RCM calculating it.
Recalculate Collected Payment on Update
Determine if the collected amount will recalculate when the booking is cancelled or updated via the API or Online Check-In, if the system parameter "Recalculate Agent Payment Collected on update" is set to Allow for Selected Agents. 
API: Allow Weekly/Monthly Rate Bookings
Determines if the Agent can use Weekly and Monthly Rate bookings through their Agent API.
API: Send Confirmation Email
Determines if a Confirmation email is sent to the Customer when a booking is created via the Agent API
API Bookings
The type of booking that will be created vis the API: 
  1. Unallocated - the booking is created with no vehicle assigned.
  2. Allocate Vehicle without Credit Card - the booking will be created with a vehicle assigned ( if available) whether a credit card has been entered or not 
  3. Allocate Vehicle with Credit Card - the booking will be created with a vehicle assigned (if available) only if a credit card has been entered. 
Any notes against the agent
Agent Contacts
There are three feilds where you can enter the Agencies contact details
  1. Email: This is the address that emails will be sent to.
  2. Contact Name
  3. Phone
Agent Address
There are six fields in which you can enter the Agencies address:
  1. Adress
  2. Suburb/Town
  3. City
  4. State/Province
  5. Postcode
  6. Country
CC Agent Email Confirmation
CC's the Agent when a Confirmation email is sent.
Send Thank-you Emails
Determines whether a Thank you email is sent to the Customer when their booking is returned. 

Please note: If name/email/address fields are required by any documents or emails, the system will first look to the Branch for the details.  If there are no details against the branch, it will use the details from the Agency. 

When updating an existing Agent, there will be an additional option at the bottom of the page called "Update Linked Branches". If this is set to "Yes", the Inactive status, Commission Type and Value, and Rate discount values of all the branches linked to this agency will be automatically replaced by the values saved against the Agent. If this is set to "No", the branches will remain unchanged.

Wholesale Agents
If the agents set their own pricing, you can flag them as a "Wholesale Agent".
Any documents sent to their customers will have no prices printed - this includes Confirmations, agreements and Invoices. 

Adding Agency Branches

Once an Agency is created, a Branch will be created by Default.

Click on the 'Branches' button against the agent to view the Branches.

If an agent only has the one Branch, you are able to update the default record that have been created for you.
If there are multiple branches, you can click on 'Add Agency Branch' to create additional branches. 

Field Descriptions:

The Agency this branch is against. This only appears when creating a new Branch.
Branch Name
The Agency Branch Name
Branch Code
The short Branch Code
Whether the branch is Active or Inactive - if Inactive, a booking cannot be made for this branch.
IATA code if Applicable - this is used as an identifier in the Agent Booking Steps
GST/ABN as applicable
Default Rate Discount
The Rate Discount will be the same as the Agency - this can be changed if it is different for this branch.
Commission Type
The Commission Type will be the same as the Agency - this can be changed if it is different for this branch.
Commission Value
The Commission Value will be the same as the Agency - this can be changed if it is different for this branch.
Agent Collects
Determines the payments collected from the customer by the Agent:
  1. Full Payment - Full amount of the Booking.
  2. Commission Only - The Commission amount only.
  3. Zero Payment - no payment.
  4. Commission Items - only items flagged as a commission item in the extra fees table.
  5. Rates Only - Only the rate amount (does not include any extra fees).
Show Only Rate Total
For Wholesale Agents, the rental rate is hidden on invoices. This controls whether the total is shown.
Agent City/Region
 City and Region of the agent 
Contact Email
The email entered here will appear on the bookings as the agent email address. 
If no email entered here it will use the email against the agent record. 
Invoice Email 
Email address for the invoice - if no email here, the contact Email above will be used. 
Address Information
The address information for the branch:
  1. Contact Name
  2. Phone
  3. Address
  4. Suburb/Town
  5. City
  6. State/Province
  7. Postcode
  8. Country
Any notes against the branch
Special Requirements
Any Special requirements or requests for the branch. 

 Once these steps have been completed, your Agency Database is set up and ready to go. 

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