Hourly Rate Structure

Hourly Rate Structure


While you are are able to setup of rate structures for your daily rates, you can also setup structures for your hourly rates. 
Hourly Rate Structures can be setup if you work within an hourly charge structure for vehicle bookings that are less than a day.  

Points to note:
The hourly rate structure is only used for bookings that are less than one day.
If there is no hourly rate structure set up for a booking, then the daily rate will be used instead. 
The  Hourly Rate Structure needs to be setup before you can define your hourly rates. 

Accessing the Hourly Rate Structure Tab

The Hourly Rate Structure tab is on the Rate Structure submenu in the System Setup.
System Setup > Rate Structure > Hourly Rate Structure 

Adding and Viewing Hourly Rate Structure Records

On the Hourly Rate Structure page, a list of your current records will be displayed. To view an existing record, click on the hourly rate description in red text. To add a new rate structure record, click "Add Hourly Rate Structure".

On the New Rate Structure page, enter the Hourly Rate Structure Description 

Enter a number in the From Hour and To Hour boxes  - The numbers that you enter in the From Hour and To Hour boxes are the effective hours for the new hourly rate structure. For example, if you want to define a rate for hours 1 to 6 of the rental, enter 1 on the From Hour box and 6 on the To Hour box. This means that the rate structure will apply to rentals that are hired for 1-6 hours.

Enter the Utilisation Days  - Utilisation Days are used to calculate both the utilisation rate for a vehicle hired in between the specified hours, as well as the proportion of any kilometres that should be charged for this vehicle. 

 Click Submit to save the record and close the New Hourly Rate Structure page. On the main Hourly Rate Structure page, you'll see the record added to the list of hourly rate structures. 

Update or Delete a Hourly Rate Structure record

The below article is a generic guide how to update or delete a record:

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