Reservation Enquiry and Update

Reservation Enquiry and Update


The Reservation Enquiry and Update page allows you to search for reservations of any status across your system based on the selected criteria. 
From this screen you can view and update reservations along with easy access to functions such as changing the customer and changing the vehicle against a reservation. 

Accessing the Reservation Enquiry and Update Tab

The Reservation Enquiry and Update tab can be found under the Reservations Menu.
Reservations >> Reservation Enquiry and Update 

Enquire on the Status of a Reservation

On the Reservation Enquiry and Update page:

    1. Filter the reservations by location and a pickup date range.
    2. Select one of the following search options to locate the reservation - Last Name, Res/Ref, Rego, Fleet, Company, Email, Mobile/Phone, Membership or Passport number.
    3. Enter the details needed, depending on what option you chose under search.
    4. Select the date range to apply to the enquiry.
    5. Click "View" to see the reservations.
Once the reservations are displayed, click the red reservation number to open the Booking Details page, which contains more information about the reservation.

The Booking Details Page

From the booking details page you can:
  1. View/print a number of documents related to the reservation (summary, agreement etc.)
  2. Email reservation documents to the customer (receipt, invoice etc.)
  3. View the booking email history and resend emails if required
  4. Run other features (manage additional drivers, send SMS, create notes etc.)

NOTE: The printing and other options available on the booking details page are the same as the various options on the Document Printing Options page. For more information on the operations you can perform on the booking details page, see:
Booking Module - Adding and Updating a Reservation

Additional Driver on Report

When you use the search feature on this report, you can search for the customer against the booking by searching for their Last Name, Email Adress, Phone/Mobile number, Membership# or Passport#.
When you search for the customers information like this, the report will return all bookings with this information against them, whether it is for the primary or additional driver. If an additional driver is being displayed, they will be marked with "extra".

Update a Reservation 

From the Reservation Enquiry and Update page, search for the reservation you want to update. Click the "Update" button for the reservation you want to update, this displays the Update Reservation page. 

To update the reservation, see:

Add a Note to a Reservation

You can also add a note to a reservation from the Reservation Enquiry and Update page. 
From the Reservation Enquiry and Update page search for the reservation you want to add a note to. Click "Add" to add a note to the reservation. If there's already an existing note attached to the reservation, the button will say "View" instead of "Add".

To add a note to the reservation, see:

Change the Customer Record for a Reservation

From the Reservation Enquiry and Update page you can change the customer linked to the reservation. This will replace the customer record for the reservation with the new customer's record. The change customer functionality should only be used if the reservation is being transferred to a different person. If you want to update the existing customer's details you can do so from the Update Reservation page.  Updating the existing customer's details will update the customer record and remain linked to the reservation.

From the Reservation Enquiry and Update page, search for the reservation you want to change the customer record to. Click the "Customer" button to change the customer record for the reservation. This displays the Change Reservation Customer page in a separate browser window. 

For Full details on changing a customer, see Change Customer 

Change the Vehicle for a Reservation

The vehicle linked to a reservation can be changed from the Reservation Enquiry and Update page. This is often used when a vehicle becomes unavailable during the hire period and must be replaced with another vehicle.
From the Reservation Enquiry and Update page, search for the reservation you want to change the vehicle to (see "Enquire on the status of a reservation"). Click the "Vehicle" button to open the change vehicle page, where a new vehicle can be selected.

For full details on changing a vehicle see:

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