


Individuals, businesses or organizations may refer customers to you. In some cases, particularly for those that refer a significant number of customers, you may even want to formalize referral arrangements with these individuals and organizations. You can maintain these so-called referral agreements in RCM.

Referral agreements provides details on the commissions that you pay to your referrers. These commissions are often based on the percentage of the booking fees that the referred customer pays to you.

All commissions given to a referrer are reflected in the Referrals Report generated from RCM.

If the customer renting a vehicle was a referral, the referrer is selected during the reservation process. See image below.

Accessing Referrals 

System Setup > Referrals

Adding a Viewing a Record 

On the referrals screen, a list of previously added referral records will be displayed. To view an existing record, click on the referral code in red text. To add a new referral , Click "Add Referrals".

On the new Referral screen, enter in the following fields:
  1. Referrals name (Mandatory)
  2. Referral Code (Mandatory)
  3. Branch
  4. Commission Rate. The commission rate is based on a percentage of the total booking fee
  5. Contact Person
  6. Address
  7. Suburb
  8. City
  9. State
  10. Postcode
  11. Phone
  12. Email
  13. Fax
  14. Notes
One completed, click "Submit" to save. 

After clicking "Submit", you will be taken back to the main Referrals screen, where you will see the newly added record.

Form Field Descriptions

The referrals name. This shows on the "Referred By" drop down while making a reservation. 
Referral Code
The referral code. This also shows the "Referred By" drop down while making a reservation.
Contact Person
The main contact person for this referral.
Commission %
The commission rate is based on a percentage of the total booking fee.
The referrals email address.
The referrals street address.
The referrals suburb.
The referrals city.
The referrals phone number.
The referrals state.
The referrals postcode.

Update or Delete a Referral 

The article below is a generic guide on how to update or delete a record:

Exporting / Copy to Clipboard 

Click here for details on how to export or copy this list to the clipboard from RCM.

Referrals Commission Report

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