Turnaround Hours Overview

Turnaround Hours Overview


Turnaround hours are the length of time required between a vehicle being returned before it can be picked up for it's next booking. This period is designed to encompass all the time needed to move the vehicle between locations, clean it, perform an inspection, and get it ready for the next hire. They can also be designed to give lenience for late drop-offs and early pickups. You are able to specify different Turnaround Hour record to apply to each location, category and category type. 

There are a variety of system parameters and rules that control when and how turnaround hours apply. This article outlines the different ways turnaround hours can be used.

Basic Validation of Turnaround hours

You will first need to set up turnaround hours between your locations, with a set Turnaround Gap for each; see Turn-around Hours article for more information. This can be done by going to Web Booking Setup >> Turnaround Hours. You will then need to set the "Validate Vehicle Turn Around Hours" System Parameter to Yes.

Turnaround hours between the last drop-off against a vehicle, and the pickup date of a booking:
  1. Will be checked and enforced when the booking is created, allocated or updated.
  2. Will ignored when the booking is hired, returned or updated in either of these statuses. The only check that will be done is that the booking does not overlap with the previous one.
Turnaround hours between a booking's drop-off and the next pick up against the vehicle:
  1. Will be checked and enforced when the booking is created, allocated, hired, or updated in these statuses.
  2. Will be ignored when the booking is returned or updated in this status. The only check that will be done is that the booking does not overlap with the next one.
These rules ensure that you are unable to update a booking in such a way that it conflicts with the turnaround hours of another booking. However, they still allow a booking to be set to Hired whenever the vehicle is free and set to Returned whenever the customer returns to the depot. 

Overriding turnaround hours

You can choose to override Turnaround Hours in the following ways:
If you set the System Parameter "Override Turnaround Hours for Bookings with Pickup Date of Today" to Yes:
  1. If a Booking has a pickup date that is not today, the above rules will apply.
  2. If a Booking has a pickup date of today, turnaround hours will be ignored when it is created and updated.
If you set the System Parameter "Override Turnaround Hours when update bookings in RCM" to Yes:
  1. When you create a booking, turnaround hours will apply.
  2. When you update a booking, they will be ignored.

For more information, please see the System Parameters article. 

Exclude days from Turnaround Gaps

You may wish to exclude certain days on the week from turnaround gap calculations - for example: you do not have any cleaner working on Sundays, so Sundays should be excluded from the turnaround gap. This can be done on the Location Hours page, by setting a certain day of the week to have No Turnaround Staff Available. This day will then be skipped when calculating turnaround gaps between bookings.

Additionally, you may or may not want Do Not Rent Days to be included in the calculations. This can be controlled by the "Include Public Holidays to Vehicle Turnaround Hours Calculation" System Parameter.
  1. If it is set to Yes, every day will be included in Turnaround Gap calculations.
  2. If it is set to No, Do Not Rent Days will be excluded from the calculations.
For more information on these processes, please see the Excluding Days from Turn Around Period article. 

Consider Office Hours in Turnaround Gaps

If a Turnaround gap is relatively short, you may need this time to be within the office hours of your location. For example, you have a two-hour turnaround gap between bookings in Brisbane as this encompasses the time needed to clean the vehicle and perform an inspection - As such this time must fall within the office hours of Brisbane so there are staff available to complete these tasks.

This can be controlled by setting this System Parameter to the required values: "Include Office Hours for Vehicle Turnaround Hours Calculation when Turnaround Hours are at or under this value".
  1. If a turnaround hour record is less than this value, the gap between two booking must have the length of the turnaround hours within the Office Hours of the second booking's pickup location.
  2. If a turnaround hours record is greater than this value, office hours are ignored, and the gap between two bookings simply has to be at least the length of the turnaround hours. 
  3. If this System Parameter is set to 0, office hours are ignored for every turnaround calculation

Maintenance and Non-Revenue bookings

Maintenance and Non-Revenue bookings do not consider turnaround hours.
  1. A Maintenance or Non-revenue booking following any other booking will ignore the turnaround hours, so long as the bookings do not overlap.
  2. A revenue booking following a Maintenance or Non-Revenue booking will apply turnaround hours the same as usual. 

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