System Parameters

System Parameters


The System Parameters give you some level of control over some of the functionality within RCM.
As these parameters are set based on your business processes and apply to all users across many areas of the business, it is common that only users with Admin rights will have access to change, set or view the system parameters.

Accessing System Parameters

System Parameters can be found under the System Setup menu.
System Setup > System Parameters

The System Parameter flags are broken into several areas of functionality, they are as follows: 

Most System Parameters have values of yes or no which indicates whether the parameter is enabled or not. Some parameters have values of minutes, days age, distance units and month. To change a certain parameter, simply click on either "Yes" or "No" or edit the value.

Document and Email Parameters

These parameters allow you to control how certain documents are formatted and what information is included in them.

If Yes, a link will be displayed on invoices to pay using a payment gateway.
If there is a payment gateway setup in your system, this controls whether the hirer can process payments for bookings with outstanding balances using a link that is attached to the customer invoice.

If you want to turn this on, you will also need to get in touch with RCM Support ( so they can setup the necessary workflow.
When emailing a Rental Agreement, a PDF version is attached.
A PDF version of the agreement will be attached to the email when emailing the Rental agreement.
Business Registration No. ( AU: ABN, NZ: GST, US: Sales TAX, UK: VAT)
The Label that precedes the Company Number on any documents. The Company Number value is saved against the Company record in the ABN No field
Use Location Address for Documents
Set whether printed documents use information from Locations (yes) or Company Info (no).
Show the full address for pickup/drop-off locations on email conformations.
If set to Yes, the full location will be sent in the pickup and drop-off details to help devices automatically link to the correct address for your location.
Document by Brand
Only applicable if you run multiple Brands, in which case this flag determines if the master Company record is used, or the individual Brand record.

Use Head Office address for Agent Invoice

The Head office address (rather that location) will be used when emailing an Agent Invoice
Warn on Hire of Incomplete Vehicle Inspections.
Set whether you want to be warned if a vehicle has an incomplete inspection against it when hiring it out.
Print remittance advice on account invoice
Set whether printed invoices will include remittance advice on the bottom of the document. The customer can forward this advice when sending payment to the rental operator.
Invoice always print as Tax Invoice
An Invoice can be printed as a “Proforma” Invoice prior to the vehicle return, as is required in some countries. Set this to Yes if you always want an invoice to simply be called a Tax Invoice
Preferred Invoice Date (Today, Pickup, Drop off)
Which date do you want to use as the Invoice Date when printing an Invoice? By default it will be the Pickup Date, but you can change this.

Print high priority notes on invoices.
Notes with a high priority tag will be printed on the invoice.
Show payment on invoices for wholesale agents.
Set whether the payment information will print on invoice for agent bookings where the agent has been flagged as a Wholesale agent.
Print booking notes on quotation
The Booking notes will print on the quotation.
Display pickup and drop off time on quotes and email confirmations.
Set whether pickup and drop off times are shown on quotes and confirmations. This applies to SMS, email and printed. This is usually set to No by campervan operators who need to schedule available times for pickups and drop offs.
Include vehicle image in Email Confirmation
Set whether the vehicle image that has been setup for the Vehicle category will be included in Confirmation Emails that are sent out.
Include Extra Fee Descriptions in Confirmations
Include the extra descriptions setup for extra fees in Confirmation emails that are sent out.
Include vehicle details and colour on confirmation by default
Set the default selection as to whether to include or not include vehicle details and colour on any Confirmations sent out. This is the option defaulted on the Email Confirmation screen inside RCM.
Print Booking Note on Confirmation
Determine whether the Booking notes will print on the confirmation or not.
These are the notes that have been added in the notes field on the booking form, rather than the notes added using the Notes function on bookings.
Operators Name in Email Confirmation
Set whether the operators name will be printed on the email confirmation (yes) or not (no).
Display cancellation reason on decline emails
Include the cancellation reason on the decline email.
Include all infringement records to Customer Letter
State whether you want all of the infringements for the booking included when emailing the customer letter out.
If this is set to No, then only the infringement you are viewing will be included in the customer letter.
Include all Infringement records to Statutory Declarations
State whether you want all of the infringements for the booking included when emailing the statutory declaration out.

If this is set to No, then only the infringement you are viewing will be included in the statutory declaration.

Rate Parameters

These parameters allow you to customise the way that the rates calculation works within RCM.

Grace Period (Maximum 300 min)
The number of minutes allowed after the due drop-off time before late charges are calculated.
Calculate Seasonal Rates using total rental days
Set whether the total length of the booking controls the rates used over multiple seasons. For example, if the booking is 30 days with 10 days in the high season and 20 days in the low season the rate will be the 30 days rate for both the 10-day and 20-day periods if set to yes.

If set to No, then the above example would result in 10 days at the 10 day rate and 20 days at the 20 day rate
Using Average Rate
If set to Yes and multiple seasonal rates are in use the system will calculate an average daily rate for a booking that crosses multiple seasons. The average daily rate will then be saved and printed on customer documents.
Use extended hire Rate.
Applies to hired bookings when extending the hire, to control how the customers are charged for this extension.
If this is set to No, the extra days will be added to the existing rate structure of the booking, according to the other rate parameters.
If this is set to Yes, other rate parameters will be ignored, and the extra days will be added on as their own fee. 
Calculate Extended Rate Structure using total rent days.
When set to Yes, the extended rate will be calculated using the total number of rental days.
Use Weekend Rate.
If set to Yes then bookings picked up after Friday midday and dropped off before Monday midday that are 2 days in length will use the Weekend Rate as set up in rates. If no weekend rates have been previously defined the rates are calculated using the normal rate structure.
Hold prices unless season or category changes.
When set to Yes no rate recalculation will occur unless there is a season or vehicle category change.

Hold quoted and unallocated rates at time or release.

When set to Yes, the rates will not be recalculated when allocating a vehicle to a booking. If set to No, then a change of pickup, drop off times or vehicle category will result in the rates being automatically recalculated. Operators are warned when this happens and they can override the rate change if required.
Never change an original rate.
Set whether the original rate is not to be changed.
Use Pickup Date rate for Bookings entered in RCM
Determines if the Rate to be used for the booking should be a single rate based on the pickup date (as opposed to Season-based or Average Rate).
If no agent rate setup, use retail rate.
Where Agent Rates are used, you may have some rates not specified for every Agent Rate combination. If you set this parameter to yes, then the Agent rate used will revert to the Retail (normal) rate if no Agent rate is found.
Use Part Day Rate for less 1 day booking if no Hourly Rate set up.
If there are no hourly rates setup and the booking is for less than one day, if this flag is set to Yes, then the part day rates will be used.
If there are no part day rates setup, then a full day will be charged at whatever rates is setup for that,

Booking Validation Parameters

These parameters allow you to customise the validation that occurs within RCM when a booking is updated.

No of people travelling required.
When set to Yes, the number of people travelling will need to be entered for the booking.
Display Passport Number Optional/Mandatory.
Set whether the passport number is a field that appears on the booking form, and whether it is mandatory or optional.
Area of use required.
Set whether the area the vehicle will be used in is required to be specified for a booking to be made.
Youngest Driver age required.
Set whether the youngest driver field must be completed when entering a booking.
Maximum driver age.
Set the maximum age allowed for drivers to hire out a booking. If the driver's age exceeds this value, they will not be able to book the vehicle. 
Driver Age - Numerical
Phone or mobile number, country compulsory when entering a booking or quote.
Set whether the customer’s phone number and country are required to make a booking.
Validate Drivers contact details when hire vehicle out, convert quote to booking.
When set to Yes the customer's contact details are validated. This means that all customer information fields such as first name, address and telephone number must be entered to hire a vehicle.
The fields that need to be entered are First and Last Name, DOB, Licence #, Licence Issued , Licence Exp Date, Address, Suburb/town, Country, Phone or Mobile #, and Email.
Email required when hire vehicle out.
When set to yes, an email address must be present before the booking be set to Hired.
Phone or Mobile Number required when hire vehicle out.
When set to yes, a phone or mobile number must be present before the booking can be set to Hired.
Insurance mandatory when hire vehicle out.
Set whether an insurance option is required to hire a vehicle out.
Validate customer Credit Card number when hire out - use pickup date.
When set to Yes, a credit card will have to be saved against the booking before it can be hired using the pickup date for validation.
Validate customer Credit Card number when hire out - use drop off date.
When set to Yes, a credit card will have to be saved against the booking before it can be hired using the drop off date for validation.
Validate drivers license class when hire out.
If yes, when a booking is set to hired, the system will check that the drivers licence class has a value. 
Stop hire if drivers license expires during the booking period.
When set to Yes, will stop the Hire if the Driver's License expires before the Drop Off date of the booking.
When set to No, will stop the Hire of the vehicle if the Driver's License expires before the pickup date AND will give a warning if it expires before the drop off date of the booking.
Hire vehicle out if registration expired.
Set whether vehicles with expired registrations can still be hired out.
Allow Extending a booking if registration has expired`.
Set whether a booking can be extended when the assigned vehicles registration will expire during the extended period. 
Hire vehicle out if RWC/COF expired.
Select whether vehicles with expired safety certificates can be hired out. Note that safety certificates are not required in all states or countries.
Hire out if Electrical Date expired.
Set whether vehicles with an expired electrical date can still be hired out.
Hire vehicle out if Milage is more than RUC
Set whether vehicles with a current milage greater than their Road User Expiry KMS value can be hired out.
Hire out if Containment Date expired .
Set whether vehicles with an expired containment date can still be hired out.
Warning service due by units when vehicle returned.
When set to Yes, the operator will get a warning if a vehicle is returned and the Kms In make it due for a service.
Stop Hire if service due by units
Select whether vehicles with services due cannot be hired out.
Validate Location office hours
When set to Yes, the Location Office hours will be used to determine both the pickup and drop off times fall within the office opening hours. If the pickup or drop off time is outside these hours the booking will not be allowed. 
Validate Web relocation record minimum hire days
When set to Yes, the system will check that the minimum hire days against the Web Relocation record is met.
Validate vehicle turn around hours
When set to Yes the system will check the turn around hours for the vehicle on the booking in regards to the previous drop-off and the next pickup.
Include Public Holidays to Vehicle Turnaround Hours Calculation 
If the System Parameter shown below is set to Yes, then any Do Not Rent days will be included when calculating the turnaround period.
Include Office Hours for Vehicle Turnaround Hours Calculation when Turnaround Hours are at or under this value.
If the turnaround hours are at or less than this value, then they must occur within office hours. E.g. Set to 8 to count office hours in turnarounds at or under 8 hours, but ignore office hours for turnarounds greater than 8 hours. Set to 0 to ignore all office hours.
Override Turnaround Hours for Bookings with a Pickup Date of Today
The system will display a warning allowing you to override the turnaround hours for bookings on the same day. 
Override Turnaround Hours when update booking in RCM
The system will display a warning allowing you to override the turnaround hours when updating a booking in RCM
Validate first time renters
If set to 'Yes' - When a booking for a new (first time) customer is set to Hired, the system will check to see if an ID check has been performed.  You are unable to set the booking to hired until the ID check is performed.  Note this parameter only applies to customers using the ID check feature. 

Validate pickup date is within 48 hours of booking date 
If set to 'Yes' - When a booking for a repeat customer is set to hired, if the date that the reservation was made (the entered date) is within 48 hours of the pickup date, an ID check required message will display.  The booking cannot be set to hired until the ID check is performed.  Note that this parameter only applies to customers using the ID check feature.
Comma list of Category Types where ID Check Should be performed
If this is left blank, the System Parameters "Validate first time renters" and "Validate pickup date is within 48 hours of booking date" will be used. If there is a value in this field, they will be ignored.
If you enter Category Type IDs into this field, the ID verifications will only be applied to bookings against a vehicle of this category type. You are unable to set the booking to hired until the ID check is performed. For bookings against Category Types not in this list, no ID Check will be performed.
Flag to validate if Mobile number entered/changed has correct format, will enforce the correct format.
If set to Yes, the system will check to see if the mobile number is valid for the country.  If it is correct, it will update the number to have the correct country code format (eg  +61).  If it is not correct, it will display a warning.  All validation checks occur when you move from the Drivers Details tab to the Booking details tab.

Booking Process Parameters

These parameters allow you to customise the back end processes within RCM when it comes to managing bookings.

Merchant fees on payments are optional
If yes, the merchant fee must be applied to a CC payment
Send a confirmation email to the customer once signature completed on line
If yes, the customer will receive a confirmation  email when they electronically sign the rental agreement on line. 
Miles or Kms
Select the distance unit to be used.
Miles or KMS
Use Borrowers Agent or Customers Insurance Company
Set whether you will use the insurance company of either the customer or their agent
Use Collection and Return Points
Set whether the collection and return point fields will be displayed on the reservation booking form.
Record Renters Local Address
If set to yes, the Local Address can be entered in the Drivers Detail page and the customer information page. 
Customer Mailing List Default
Set whether you want the new customer to be automatically added to the mailing list. This is just the default that will appear when creating new customers, you are able to change when you enter or update their information.
Allow all users to edit or delete payments
Determines whether all users can edit or delete payments.  If set to No, only Head Office managers can edit/delete payments. 
Default Pickup Hour
The Pickup time of new bookings will automatically default to this hour. You're able to change this time in the booking for, but this will appear first as a default.
Default Dropoff Hour
The Dropoff time of new bookings will automatically default to this hour. You're able to change this time in the booking for, but this will appear first as a default.
Kms Tracking
Set whether the customer is forced to enter the kilometres or miles when the vehicle is returned.
Fuel Tracking
Determines if Fuel Tracking is in use
Default fuel to 'Full' for pickups
Set the default fuel out as full when hiring a car.
Fuel price is calculated on pickup locations
If yes, the fuel calculation will be made on the price at the pickup location. 
Track cleaned vehicles
Select whether the cleaned status of the vehicle is displayed on the Vehicle Activity report. The cleaned status is set to no as soon as a vehicle is hired and must be updated via the quick vehicle update function or the vehicle activity report to set it back to yes. This is an indicator only and does not stop the vehicle from being hired.
Restrict Insurance options to Category
When set to yes the following logic is applied to which insurance options are displayed for a booking.
- if insurance options are available for the specific category on the booking, then these are the only options displayed.
- if there are NO insurance options available for the specific category on the bookings, but there are insurance options are available for the specific category type, then these are the only ones that are displayed.
- if there are NO insurance options specific to either the category or the category type for the booking then the insurance options for all categories and category types will be shown.
Recalculate Agent Commission on update
Select whether the agent’s commission is recalculated when the booking is updated. This may result in an increased or decreased commission if the booking dates and times are changed by the rental operator.
Charge of commission on Kms/Mileage fees
Select whether to apply agent commission on Kms/Mileage Daily Rate.
Operator location as billing location
Set whether the operator's location will be used as the billing location for any payments received. If set to No the pickup location will be used as the billing location.
Check Actual Pickup time when hire vehicle out
When Yes, the system will advise if the vehicle has been picked up prior to the expected pickup date and time.   The booking date/time will be updated. 
Warning and confirm vehicle return Actual Dropoff time
When Yes, a warning will display if the Actual return time differs from the scheduled return time.
Allow Operator to change Hired bookings back to Reservation Status
State whether you want an operator to change a Reservation in 'Hired' status back to 'Reservation' status 
Allocate vehicle to the requested category and last drop off in the pickup region only
State whether you want to restrict the available vehicle to only include ones where the last drop off is in the same region as the pickup location of the booking being allocated.
Allocate vehicle with last drop off in the pickup location only
State whether you want to restrict the available vehicle to only include ones where the last drop off is in the same location as the pickup location of the booking being allocated.
Apply above Allocate Vehicle Rules to Booking Vehicle Changes
State whether you would like the 2 rules above (about allocating vehicles to bookings) to apply when changing the vehicle against a booking.
This applies to changes made from both the booking form and also the drag and drop function on the Reservation Sheet.
Allocate vehicle when select all categories include all category type
State whether you would like all Category Types to be included when you choose the All Categories option when allocating a vehicle and are getting a listing of the available vehicles.
RMS Infringement Increase fee
The extra fee that will be added to any infringement passed in via RMS.
Choose extra fee from drop-down
The maximum toll fee that can be charged per booking per day
The maximum amount that will be charged per day for each booking in regard to the fee added to infringements via RMS
Maximum Amount - numerical
Notes subject compulsory
When yes, the operator must enter a note subject 
Allow notes to be deleted or updated.
Set whether entered notes can be deleted or updated by an operator. When set to No only head office users can maintain notes.
Tender type used for automatic agent receipts
The Tender Type that will be used when using the function to record multiple agent payments at the same time.
Allow multiple relocation fees
State whether you wish to allow multiple relocation fees to be added to a booking or not.
Restrict search results to Maintenance customer only on the Maintenance Booking form
State whether you want the customer search function on the Maintenance Booking form to only return customers that have been flagged as a maintenance customer or not.
Overwrite the youngest driver age with the primary driver's age based on DOB.
When this is set to Yes, if the primary driver is younger than the value recorded in the Youngest Driver field, this field will be changed to match their actual age. Note: the primary driver's age is calculated using their DOB at the time of pickup.
Skip confirmation message when selecting an existing customer.
State whether you wish to see or not see the confirmation message in the Booking Form when you select an existing customer when creating a booking.
Offset in hours for adding to dropoff date/time, when user changes pickup date/time  - Only applied when user has checkbox checked 
When a user enters or changes the pickup date and time when adding a new booking the drop-off date and time will automatically update by the number of hours set against this system parameter.  If set to 0 the offset field will not appear on the booking form. 
Hours - eg: 24

Online Booking Parameters

These parameters allow you to customise the online Booking Process.

Send customer email from web API 
When set to No, confirmations will not be sent from the Web Booking API. 
Send company email notification when a agent cancels a booking via API
State whether you want an email to be sent to your company when an agent cancels a booking using the Agent API.
Agent API email notification cc back
When set to Yes, any email confirmations sent from the Agent API will be CCed back to the sender.
Use Pickup date rate for WEB API
State whether you would like to use the pick up date to calculate the rental rates for bookings made via the Web API.
If this is Yes, then the pick up date will be used to find the season, and this seasonal rate will then be used for the entire booking period, irrespective of whether the booking goes across mere than one season or not.
Use Pickup date rate for Agent API
State whether you would like to use the pick up date to calculate the rental rates for bookings made via the Agent API.
If this is Yes, then the pick up date will be used to find the season, and this seasonal rate will then be used for the entire booking period, irrespective of whether the booking goes across mere than one season or not.
Use Web category availability for Agent API
State whether you want to use the Web Category Availability records for bookings being made via the Agent API. 
If this is yes, the Agent Category Availability records will be ignored.
Apply web rate discount to Agent API
State whether you would like any Rate Discounts that have been setup to also apply to bookings coming in via the Agent API.
Apply free day special to Agent API 
When set to Yes, any Free Day Specials that have been setup within RCM will also be applied to bookings made via the Agent API
Save after hours bookings as 'On Request' for WEB API
When set to Yes, any bookings requests made via the Web API, which are After Hours bookings, will be saved as an On Request Booking
Save after hours bookings as 'On Request' for Agent API
When set to Yes, any bookings requests made via the Agent API, which are After Hours bookings, will be saved as an On Request Booking
Save as 'On Request' if no payment details entered
Saves a booking as 'On Request' if no CC information has been collected in an On line booking. 
API On Request booking remail as On Request after payment receives during booking process
If set to No (default), On Request bookings will be converted to Confirmed when payment is received. If set to Yes, they will remain as On Request.
Allow emailed quotations to be confirmed and paid online
If set to yes, the 'Convert Quote to Booking' link will be displayed in the emailed quote
Save Credit Card when convert quote to booking
Determines whether the Credit Card entry screen is displayed when a quote is converted to a booking
Include 'Convert Quote to Booking' link in Agent Quotation email
Determines if the 'Convert Quote to Booking' link is present in the quotation email that is sent to a customer by an Agent. 
Save booking as 'On Request' when convert from quote by customer
Determines if a booking will be saved as an 'On Request' booking when a customer converts a quote. 
Collect Credit Card or process payments for online bookings
When set to Yes, any online bookings will either need to collect a credit card or a payment to be saved as a booking
Save Authorization as payment
When an Authorisation amount has been taken it will be saved as a payment against the booking. 
Online Payment Billing Location
Any payments taken online for bookings requests will have this location saved as the payment location
Validate Drivers License Expiry Date for online Booking
When taking an online booking, the Drivers licence expiry date will be validated. 
Minimum days prior to pickup date to allow Agent API to Cancel bookings
The minimum number of days before a pickup that Agents will be able to cancel any of their bookings via the Agent API.
Minimum days prior to pickup date to allow Non-Agent API to Cancel bookings
The minimum number of days before a pickup that Non-Agents will be able to cancel any of their bookings via the Post Booking API.
Apply Stop Sale (count available vehicles ) in Web API 
State whether you would like the Stop Sale functionality to apply to Step 2 of the booking process when the Web API is being used.
Step 2 is the initial availability check which returns a listing of all of the categories.
Apply Stop Sale (count available vehicles ) in Agent  API 
State whether you would like the Stop Sale functionality to apply to Step 2 of the booking process when the Agent API is being used.
Step 2 is the initial availability check which returns a listing of all of the categories.
Stop sale - Available vehicles excluded if next pickup not at drop-off location
State whether you would like vehicles to be excluded from the list of available vehicles when performing the Stop Sale check if the next pickup for that vehicle is not the same location as the drop off location of the booking request being made.
Stop sale - number of days before next pickup to exclude vehicle if not  at drop-off location
If the above parameter is set to Yes, the value set here will be used when checking for the next pickup location.  For example, if this value is set to 10, it will only check for the next pickup location which occur in the 10 days after the dropoff.  If this value is set to 0 it will not apply a number of days restriction and will find the next pickup location no matter how fare in advance it may be. 
Stop Sale/Availability Engine - Count any bookings against virtual vehicles as unallocated
Set whether bookings made against virtual vehicles are listed as allocated or unallocated, to be considered by the stop sale and availability engine.
Return Weekly and/or Monthly Rates in step 2 of WebAPI3
Set whether Weekly and Monthly rates will be available as alternative rates through Step 2 of your Web API.
Allow agents to Update bookings via the API
Set whether agents are able to update bookings that they have made through their API. You are able to set it so only certain agents have permission to do this.
Yes/No/Allow for Selected Agents

Vehicle Parameters

These are the parameters which are specific to Vehicles inside RCM.

Gas Inspection Date in vehicle record
Set whether to show or hide the Gas Inspection Date field in the Vehicle Update screen.
Use Containment WOF in Vehicle Update
Set whether to show or hide the Containment WOF Date field in the Vehicle Update screen.
Vehicle VIN field mandatory
Set whether the VIN field is a mandatory field when entering/updating vehicle information.
Manual Service Name defaults to the Service Type
If this is set to Yes and a Manual Service is entered, the Service Name will default to the Service Type that was chosen.
Use generated Purchase Order No. for service records
If this is set to Yes, then the PO # will be generated, adding one to the previous one created. The initial starting point for these numbers can be set by getting in touch with RCM Support.
Allow Operator to Delete Damage Records
If this flag is set to yes, any operator with access to Damage records can delete a record 

Miscellaneous Parameters 

These are miscellaneous parameters within RCM.

Extend vault card token expiry date when viewed.
If this is set to yes, the removal date of token in the Secure Vault with be extended to the length of the retention period after the date it is viewed.
Save to Notes table when email to customers.
If set to yes, any email notes will be saved in the reservation notes of the booking. 
Emission Unit
Emission units per distance travelled
Display Rego and Service Due on Dashboard 
Determines whether the Registration and Service Due areas are displayed on the Home screen (Dashboard)
Financial Year Month Start
Set the month in which the financial year starts
Apply sales tax on Fuel charge
Reservation Enquiry and Update search default
Sets the search field that will be selected by default in the Reservation and Enquiry and Update screen.
Show Balance in Vehicle Activity Report
When set to Yes, the balance due is printed on the vehicle activity report.
Reservation search default to past year
When set to Yes, the Reservation Enquiry and Update screen will default to searching for bookings in the past year and future only.
Unallocated booking in Vehicle Activity Report
Set whether unallocated bookings will be printed on the vehicle activity report. When set to No only bookings with vehicles allocated to them will be printed.
Enter the General Ledger code for the sales tax value of bookings posted to the General ledger Posting report. The general ledger code is the account code setup in your financial systems ledger
Rental Revenue GL Code
Enter the General Ledger code for the rental revenue printed in the General ledger Posting report. The general ledger code is the account code setup in your financial systems ledger.
Extra kms GL Code
Enter the General Ledger code for the extra kms revenue printed in the General ledger Posting report. The general ledger code is the account code setup in your financial systems ledger.
Fuel Cost GL Code
Enter the General Ledger code for fuel charges revenue printed in the General ledger Posting report. The general ledger code is the account code setup in your financial systems ledger.
State Sales tax GL Code 
Enter the Sales Tax GL code for Sales Tax revenue printed in the General ledger Posting report. The general ledger code is the account code setup in your financial systems ledger.
Bank A/C GL Code
Enter the General Ledger code for Bank A/C Cash Receipts Revenue printed in the General Ledger Posting report. The general ledger code is the account code setup in your financial systems ledger.
Cash Debtor A/C GL Code
Enter the General Ledger code for Cash Debtor A/C Cash Receipts Revenue printed in the General Ledger Posting report. The general ledger code is the account code setup in your financial systems ledger.
Tier 1 - Sensitive Identifying Customer data (license, passport, date of birth) retention period in months after drop-off
This is the length of time in months that the customer licence number, passport number and date of birth will be retained after the drop-off before being automatically removed from the system. If you are increasing the default "Identity Retention Period" please be aware that you are increasing the risk of your customers' identity data being compromised. Please ensure you set the shortest possible retention period that is required for your business.
Tier 2 - Sensitive Identifying Customer data (email, phone, address) retention period in months after drop-off
This is the length of time in months that the customers email address, mobile number and address information will be retained after the drop-off before being automatically removed from the system. As this information is less sensitive than that in Tier 1, you are able to set it to Always Retain, so that this customer information will never be removed.
Send notifications to the main email for company, eg. for ApplyID.
This allows you to select whether or not the set email address will receive notifications when an ApplyID check is being done. 
Include Sub Locations for Report
If Yes, on the Allocate Reservation Report, all locations that have the selected location as their Master Location will be included. This can be used by operators who don't have 'All Locations' access but need to see all the bookings for their Master Location in the same list.  

Reservation Sheet Defaults

The Reservation Sheet Defaults allows you to modify the default behaviour of the Reservation Sheet.

Default Category Type
This category type will display by default when the Reservation sheet is first opened. 
Default to All Locations for head office user
Allows you to set whether the default location is 'All Locations' when the user is a head office user. 
Default Vehicle Category for booking sheet
This category will display by default when the Reservation sheet is first opened
Display Fleet# or Rego# in booking sheet
Determines whether the Vehicle Registration number or the Fleet number is displayed against the vehicle on the Reservation sheet. 
New booking sheet default to Region
The Reservation sheet will default to the Region if this flag is set to yes. 
Allow bookings to be moved to another vehicle category
Determines whether a booking can be dragged and dropped onto a different  vehicle category
Update Reservation sheet View dates
Allows you to set the default date range displayed on the Reservation Sheet
Days before today - numerical
Days after today - numerical
Defines the number of rows to load for the Booking Sheet. 
To load All, set the value to 0
This will determine how many rows are loaded and displayed when viewing the Reservation Sheet. It is only the default number shown, you can see more information by simply scrolling down.


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      • System Parameters in RCM

        Purpose The System Parameters give you some level of control over some of the functionality within RCM. As these parameters are set based on your business processes and apply to all users across many areas of the business, it is common that only ...
      • System Parameters within RCM

        Overview  With Rental Car Manager (RCM), there are system parameters which enable you to control some of the functionality within RCM. These can be found by choosing the System Parameters option under the System Setup menu. The flags are broken into ...
      • Additional parameters for ID Checks when a booking is set to hired

        Two additional parameters have been added to the 'Booking Validation' parameters to force an ID check when a reservation is set to 'Hired' System Setup>System Parameters> Booking Validation section Validate First Time Renters = 'Yes' When a booking ...
      • Additional Feature - Passport System Parameter

        Within RCM, there is a system parameter called "Display Passport Number Optional/Mandatory", which controls whether or not a drivers Passport Number is required when creating or updating a booking. To access this, go to System Setup >> System ...
      • New System Parameter - Check Mobile Phone Format

        A system parameter has been added to the Booking Validation Parameters that allows the system to check whether a mobile phone number is valid. It will also convert any valid mobile number to the correct format for sending an SMS ( eg +61422222222) ...