Name | Required (Yes/No) | Description |
Location | Yes | The name of the location. This name appears in the list of pick up or drop off locations when entering a reservation or running a report. |
Code | Yes | This is the code that appears on the Reservation Sheet |
Renting Location | Yes | Indicates that the location is a Renting location and will appear in pickup and dropoff lists and report filters. |
Location Prefix | No | A three-character code used as a prefix to reservation numbers. Adding this prefix allows easy identification of reservation numbers by the associated prefix. |
Company Name | No | The name of the company associated with the location. If there is an entry in this field, it is used as the company name printed on the rental agreement. If there is no company entered, it will use the default company. |
Master Location | No | Each location can be assigned a Master Location. This field is populated if a location is a sublocation of a 'Master' location. This has important implications of what can be seen by Location Users, as described in the Master Location section below. |
Address and Contact Details | No |
State | Yes | The state name. This is selected from a pre-defined list of states, that are each already assigned to countries. |
Yes | The location's email address. A copy of the reservation is sent to this email address if the 'Use Location Email Address' system parameter is set to Yes. If not set, the email address against the company will be used. | |
Time Difference to GMT | No | The GMT Time Difference for the location. Ensures that default times are correctly displayed based on the location's geographic position. This is set to '0' by default. Note: that this would need to be changed at the start and end of daylight savings periods as applicable. |
Business Registration # | No | Your business registration number is a globally unique identifier. |
Airport Code | No | The airport code is used by agents who wish to locate rental operators close to a airport location. The airport code is passed to an agent when they are using the agent API Web Service. |
License No. | No | The location's license number. This is printed on the rental agreement, and overrides the company's license number, which can be found on the Company Info page. |
Location Currency | No | The currency that applies to the location. eg - AU |
Currency Symbol | No | The currency symbol that applies to the location. eg - $ |
Location IP | No | If entered allows the user to log in by IP address. |
Account Payment Details | No | This is generally a bank account number or terms of payment for reservation transactions. These are printed on the invoice or the rental agreement depending on your template setup. |
Map URL | No | Directions to the physical location. |