Edit SMS Dropoff Template

Edit SMS Dropoff Template


By default, RCM already comes with editable standard SMS templates that you can send to remind customers to pick up or drop off a vehicle. You can edit the standard SMS Dropoff Template from the Edit SMS Dropoff Template tab. Optionally, you may also define additional templates for each of your locations under this same tab.

Only users with access level set to Head Office can modify the standard SMS Dropoff Template.

Accessing the Edit SMS Dropoff Template tab

System Setup > SMS Text Message Setup > Edit SMS Dropoff Template

Customizing the Standard SMS Dropoff Template

On the Edit SMS Dropoff Template Page, the standard SMS dropoff template is the first on the list and if no other SMS location templates have been created, it can be distinguished by having the "Update" button instead of the "Add" button under the "Update/Create" field. Click "Update".

On the SMS Dropoff Template Editor, modify the written text to suit your needs.

NOTE: There is a 160-character limit on a SMS template, which is the same limit on all SMS text messages sent through RCM's SMS text messaging feature.

Once you've completed editing the template, click "Submit" to save your changes and close the Template Editor. The next time you send a dropoff reminder via SMS, it will contain the updated text that you defined under the Template Editor. However, if you have a SMS Dropoff template defined for a location, the updated standard Dropoff template will not be used until you've deleted the SMS Dropoff template for that location.

Using Labels in a SMS Dropoff Template

You may enter labels in your template to include information from the booking in the SMS text. For example, by typing $FIRSTNAME into the template, when you send the SMS, this will be replaced by the customer's first name.

Below are the labels available for inclusion into the SMS template:
  1. $COMPANY - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced with your company's name to a maximum of 20 characters.
  2. $PHONE - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced with your dropoff locations contact number to a maximum of 15 characters
  3. $FIRSTNAME - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced with the customer's first name to a maximum of 15 characters
  4. $LASTNAME - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced with the customer's last name to a maximum of 15 characters
  5. $PICKUPLOCATION - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced by the booking's Pickup location to a maximum of 25 characters
  6. $PICKUPDATE - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced by the booking's Pickup date in dd/mm/yy format.
  7. $PICKUPTIME - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced by the booking's Pickup time in hh:mm format.
  8. $DROPOFFLOCATION - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced by the booking's Dropoff location to a maximum of 25 characters
  9. $DROPOFFDATE - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced by the booking's dropoff date in dd/mm/yy format.
  10. $DROPOFFTIME - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced by the booking's dropoff time in hh:mm format.
  11. $RESERVATIONNUMBER - When the SMS is sent, it will be replaced by the booking's reservation number
  12. $VEHICLEREGISTRATION - When the SMS is sent, if it is an allocated booking, it will be replaced by the vehicle rego number. If it is an unallocated booking it will be replaced by "Not assigned"
  13. $VEHICLECOLOUR - When the SMS is sent, if it is an allocated booking, it will be replaced by the vehicle colour. If it is an unallocated booking it will be replaced by "Not assigned"

This is an example SMS template entry using labels: "Hi $FIRSTNAME, your Dropoff from $COMPANY is tomorrow $DROPOFFDATE at $DROPOFFTIME from $DROPOFFLOCATION. For cancellations or changes, call $PHONE."

This is the example SMS text when the above SMS pickup template is sent: "Hi Grant, your Dropoff from ABC Rentals is tomorrow 07/03/11 at 09:00 from Sydney Airport. For cancellations or changes, call +61 2 900826722."

Defining a SMS Dropoff Template for a Location

You can define a SMS Dropoff template for each of your locations. The location specific SMS Dropoff template overrides the standard SMS Dropoff template.

On the Edit SMS Dropoff Template Page, all of your locations are listed. To add a SMS Dropoff template to a location, click "Add" under the Update/Create field, alongside the location you wish to create a template for.

On the SMS Dropoff Template Editor, the text of the standard SMS Dropoff template is displayed. You may modify the written text to suit your needs. Click "Submit" to save the template.

The next time you send a SMS Dropoff message for vehicles rented from the location, RCM will use the SMS Dropoff template you just defined for the location, rather than the standard SMS Dropoff template.

Deleting a SMS Dropoff Template for a Location

You can delete a SMS Dropoff template that you have previously defined for a location.

On the Edit SMS Dropoff Template Page, locations with a SMS Dropoff template are distinguished by a "Delete" button on the rightmost column. To delete the SMS Dropoff template for the location, click "Delete".

Click "Yes" on the confirmation message to delete the SMS Dropoff template.

The next time you send a SMS Dropoff message for vehicles rented from that location (Brisbane Airport), RCM will use the standard SMS Dropoff template, rather than the location specific Dropoff template that you just deleted.

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