Customer Maintenance

Customer Maintenance


The Customer Maintenance feature allows you to search for customers.  After searching for a customer record, you may then edit the record, view the customer's renting history, or delete the record entirely.

Accessing the Customer Search Tab

The Customer Maintenance Tab can be found under the Reservations Tab

Reservations >> Customer Maintenance


Viewing a Record

To view a custom record, you will need to select which of the following you are searching by and enter the information:

  1. Last Name
  2. Email
  3. Phone/Mobile
  4. Postcode
  5. License #
  6. Company
  7. Membership #

For information on entering or updating a customer record, please see the New Customer article.

Viewing a Customer's Renting History

After searching for a customer, click "View" in the History column of the customer you want to view the history for.

The customer's renting history will then appear in a new window.

Simply close the window to go back to the Customer Search page.

Customer Merge

This page can also show when you have multiple records for the same customer with slightly different information. When this occurs, you can choose to merge the customer records together, which effectively moves all the bookings and quotes to one customer while removing the other from the system. For more information on how to do this, please see the Customer Merge article.

Upload Images

You are also able to upload images or documents against the customer. This can be done by selecting the "Upload" button in the Images column. From here you can see any existing images and documents. To add new ones, select the "New Images/Documents" button.

Then you can choose to upload a full-size image, and you can add a description of it. Once you are ready to add the image or document, select "Upload".

From here, you can upload an existing file, or you can use the Camera feature to take a new photo. Once you have finished, this image or document will be saved against the customer.

Updating and Deleting a Record

Click Here for details on how to update or delete a record in RCM.

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