A | Location | This can be set to All Locations or a specific location. Any Vehicle with this as their Owning Location will appear in the report. |
B | Category Type | This can be set to All Category Type or a specific category type. Any vehicle assigned to this Category Type will appear in the report. |
C | Category | This can be set to All Category or a specific category. Any vehicle of this Category will appear in the report. If you search by both Category Type and Category, the report will use the Category value. |
D | Year | This is the year of the vehicle. |
E | Vehicle Status | This allows you to search for vehicles with specific statuses, the options are:
F | Order | You can select whether the vehicle will be ordered by the Rego or Fleet number. |
G | Rego/Fleet # | This option allows you to enter a vehicles Fleet or Rego number, to search for a specific vehicle. Entering a value here will override all other parameters to search for this specific vehicle. |
H | Vin # | This option allows you to enter a vehicles Vin number, to search for a specific vehicle. Entering a value here will override all other parameters to search for this specific vehicle. |
Name | Required (Yes/No) | Description |
Virtual Vehicle | Yes | Virtual vehicles are dummy records used to temporarily hold bookings. |
Registration No | Yes | The vehicle's registration number. Please note: You are UNABLE to add spaces or brackets into the Registration Number field. If you do to, they will be removed from the number when the record is saved. |
Registration State | Yes | The state where the vehicle was registered. |
Fleet No. | No | The vehicle's fleet number. |
Engine No. | No | The vehicle's engine number. Normally used for vehicle identification. |
Chassis No. | No | The vehicle's chassis number. Normally used for vehicle identification purposes. |
Key No. | No | The vehicle's key number. |
VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) | No/Yes - determined by System Parameter | The vehicle's identification number. Normally used for vehicle identification purposes. System Parameter - 'Vehicle VIN field Mandatory' can be set to yes or no. |
Radio Code | No | The security code required when a radio is installed in a vehicle. It ensures that radios cannot be removed or stolen and used elsewhere without the entry of the correct radio code. |
Transmission | No | Specifies the vehicle's transmission type (i.e. automatic and manual). |
Fuel Type | Yes | Specifies the vehicle's fuel type (i.e. petrol and diesel). |
Colour | No | The colour of the vehicle. |
Current Kms/Milage | No | The vehicle's current mileage in terms of kilometres travelled. |
Road User Expiry KMs | No | For New Zealand Locations. The Road User Expiry Kms for the vehicle. |
Year | No | The vehicle's year of manufacture. |
Grade | No | The vehicle grade. Should not be more than 6 characters in length. The vehicle grade allows you to grade your vehicles based on their condition. Alternatively the grade can be a code that you can recognize such as MAS for (M)anual, (A)irconditioned, and (S)edan. This Grade field appears on the Reservation Sheet making it easier to identify vehicles based on the information you have entered into this field |
Fuel Capacity | No | Specifies the capacity of the vehicle's fuel tank. The value can either be in litres or gallons, depending on the rental operator's country of operations. |
Image Name | No | The name of the image to be uploaded for the vehicle. The image name must not have any spaces. If this field is blank the image entered for the vehicle's category is used instead. |
Category | Yes | The category to which the vehicle belongs to. The vehicle category determines the daily dollar rate of the vehicle when hired. |
Model | Yes | The model of the vehicle. |
Type | Yes | The type of vehicle. |
Owning Location | Yes | The vehicles home location |
Currently Located | Yes | The vehicle's current physical location. The system updates the Currently Located field when a vehicle is returned to a location. |
Date on Fleet | No | The date the rental vehicle becomes available for booking. |
Date off Fleet | No | The date the rental vehicle is taken off the fleet and becomes unavailable for booking. |
Available for Booking | Yes | Set whether the vehicle is available for booking. |
Utilize | Yes | Set whether the vehicle is included in utilization reporting. |
Registration Expiration Date | No | The expiry date of the vehicle's registration. |
RWC/COF Date (Certificate of fitness) | No | The expiry date of the vehicle's certificate of road worthiness. The description for this field depends on your country (e.g. in Australia RWC stands for Road Worthy Certificate). |
Electrical Date | No | The expiry date of the vehicle's Electrical certificate. E.g. for Campervans |
Containment Date | No | The expiry date of the vehicle's Containment certificate. E.g. for Campervans |
Gas Inspection Date | No | Due date of next Gas Inspection - Note this field will only display if set to 'Yes' in system parameters |
PM Schedule Category | No | The Periodic Maintenance schedule category of the vehicle. |
PM Base Date | No | The starting date for scheduled periodic maintenance. The entry is optional and is only used when setting up Fleet Manager and entering the first maintenance record. |
PM Base Milage | No | The initial mileage for scheduled periodic maintenance. |
Notes | No | Enter any additional notes about the vehicle. |
Toll Integration | No | Indicates whether the vehicle uses Toll Integration |
Vehicle Tolling Tag | No | The ID of a Tolling Tag |
Emission Rate | No | The emission rate per Km/Mile travelled for this vehicle. This only needs to be recorded at the vehicle level if it is different to Emission Rate set at the Vehicle Category level. |