Pickup Location | Report can be run for All Locations or a specific Pickup Location |
Region | Report can be run for all regions or a specific region. If both a Pickup Location and a Region are selected, then the Region will be applied. |
Brand | Report can be all for All Brands or a specific Brand |
Category | Report can be run for All Categories or a specific Category. |
Booking Status | The status of the reservations included in the report. The options are:
Date Type | This report can either be run where the date range applies to either the pickup date, drop off date, or the date the booking was entered. |
Date Range | The date range that will be used. This will apply to either the pickup date or the date entered, depending on the date type chosen. |
Location | The Pickup Location of the reservations included in the report. If you click on the red location name, you can see a listing of the reservations for this location. |
No Contracts | The total number of reservations with this pickup location that fall within the parameters for this report. |
Insurance Applied % | The percentage of bookings with this pickup location and have had an insurance option applied. |
No Days Hired | The total number of days hired for the reservations with this pickup location that fall within the parameters for this report. |
Average Length of Hire | The average length of hire for the reservations with this pickup location that fall within the parameters for this report. |
Adjusted Rate | The average daily rental rate for the reservations with this pickup location that fall within the parameters for this report. Adjusted Rate is Total Revenue divided by the No of Days Hired |
Rental Revenue | The total of the rental rates for reservations with this pickup location that fall within the parameters for this report. |
Extras Revenue | The total of the Extra Fees and Insurance against reservations with this pickup location that fall within the parameters for this report. |
Extras Revenue Average/Day | The average daily cost of extra fees for reservations in this report. This is the Extras Revenue divided by the No Days Hired. |
Total Revenue | The Total Cost of reservations with this pickup location that fall within the parameters for this report. |
LYTD | The total cost of the reservations with this pickup location against them for the same time period last year. For example if you run the report for a date range of 1/Apr/2020 - 1/Oct/2020, then the LYTD will be the total for the date range 1/Apr/2019 - 1/Oct/2019. |
% diff | This is a comparison between the Total Revenue amount and the LYTD amount. This allows you to see whether you have more or less sales than last year. If there is no value for the LYTD, then this amount will be 0.00%. If there is a negative amount in this field, then this means that the LYTD amount was larger than the Total Revenue. |
2YTD | The total cost of the reservations with this pickup location against them for the same time period 2 years ago. This allows you to see whether you have more or less sales than 2 years ago. For example if you run the report for a date range of 1/Apr/2020 - 1/Oct/2020, then the LYTD will be the total for the date range 1/Apr/2018 - 1/Oct/2018. |
% diff | The percentage difference between the Total Revenue amount and the 2YTD amount. If there is no value for the 2YTD, then this amount will be 0.00%. If there is a negative amount in this field, then this means that the 2YTD amount was larger than the Total Revenue. |
Res | The reservation number for the booking. Clicking on the red reservation number will open the Booking Details screen. |
Source | The rental source associated with the booking. |
Campaign Code | The campaign code associated with the booking. |
Agency | The name of the agency associated with the booking. |
Reference No | The reference number associated with the booking. |
Customer | The name of the customer associated with the booking. |
Suburb | The suburb saved against the customer on the booking |
Country | The country saved against the customer on the booking. |
Pickup Loc | The pickup location of the booking. |
Pickup Date | The pickup date of the booking. |
Drop Off date | The drop off date of the booking. |
Booked By | The name of the operator who created the booking. |
No Days | The number of rental days within the booking. |
Rental Revenue | The total rental revenue for the booking, this is the rental rates. |
Extra Revenue | The total cost of any extras associated with the booking. |
Insurance Fee | The cost of the insurance option associated with the booking. |
Total Revenue | The total cost of the booking. |