The Reservation Sheet provides a visual way to view allocated bookings for selected categories of vehicles.
Moving a booking from one vehicle to another is simple using the Reservation Sheet. You can either drag a reservation to another vehicle (drag and drop) or click on the Move Vehicle icon to the right of the registration number. NOTE: Moving a booking from one vehicle to another is only possible for vehicles with the reservation status. Therefore, you will not be able to move a booking to a vehicle that has already been hired or a maintenance booking.
Bookings that have a length of over 9 days have 2 labels, 1 at each end of the booking object for when only the beginning or end of the booking can be seen in the selected date range. You can also hover your cursor over the booking object to view more details.
The reservation sheet is linked to our language module allowing you to change the language used for the reservation sheet.
Using the Reservation Sheet
To access the Reservation Sheet go to Reservations >> Reservation Sheet.
From the Reservation Sheet page, you can display reservations by regions or locations, date range, category type and vehicle category. You can now also select dates by clicking the calendar icons to open a calendar where you can then select a date.
The order in which the vehicle categories are displayed on the Reservation Sheet depends on the ordering assigned to Vehicle Categories from the Vehicle Categories page.
The vehicle registration number displayed on the Reservation Sheet is a clickable link that enables you to select a vehicle for a new reservation. If you hover the mouse pointer over the vehicle registration number a popup appears with the vehicle's details.
You can set up the Reservation Sheet Defaults through the System Parameters - System Setup > System Parameters > Reservation Sheet Defaults
Colour Coded Legend and Filtering
- Every reservation displayed on the Reservation Sheet is colour coded, with the colour referring to the status of the booking/reservation.
- The legend also acts as a way to filter the types of reservations you see in the sheet.
- As shown in the image below, some reservation types contain a checkbox next to them, to hide a type of a reservation from the sheet simply uncheck the box that corresponds to the reservation type you wish to hide.
Types of Reservations
- Reservation - A reservation/booking that is yet to be picked up. I.e. Not yet set to "Hired".
- One Way - A reservation/booking that is getting picked up and dropped off at two different locations. I.e. Perth Airport > Broome Airport
- Hired - When the vehicle has been picked up, I.e. "Hired".
- Returned - When the vehicle has been dropped off after it's been hired. I.e. "Returned".
- Closed - Any booking that gets closed will show a stripe pattern as seen below. Bookings can only be closed once it has been Returned and the Balance Due has been paid in full.
- Maintenance - The olive green colour indicates when a car is undergoing maintenance.
- Non-Revenue - The grey colour indicates booking that are non-revenue
- Do Not Move - Bookings that have a black outline are marked as "Do Not Move". These booking cannot be changed to a different vehicle.
You also have the option to make virtual bookings.
Ordering of Vehicles.
The following system parameter controls how vehicles are ordered on the Reservation Sheet. It can be found by going to System Setup >> System Parameters >> Reservation Sheet Defaults.
When it is set to Reg #, the vehicles will be ordered based on
- Vehicle Category
- Virtual Car Status - Any vehicle that is a virtual car will appear below non-virtual cars. Virtual vehicles will be yellow on the reservation sheet.
- Owning Location
- Model
- Transmission
- Grade
- Registration Number
When it is set to Fleet #, the vehicles will be ordered based on their:
- Vehicle Category
- Virtual Car - Any vehicle that is a virtual car will appear below non-virtual cars. Virtual vehicles will be yellow on the reservation sheet.
- Fleet Number
- Registration Number
Unavailable at Location
The "Unavailable within location" option allows you to display or hide vehicles that are unavailable at the selected location.
The "Unavailable within location" highlights a light blue colour for easier visibility.
Ordering of Vehicles on the Reservation Sheet
Vehicle with a Date Expiry
There is also a feature which flags any vehicle with a date that has expired or is about to expire. These dates are:
- Rego Expiration Date
- RWC/COF Date
- Electrical Date
- Containment Date
- Gas Inspection Date
Depending on your system parameters, you might not be able to hire out a vehicle if one on these dates has expired. So, the Reservation Sheet flags all vehicles with this date either in the past or in the next fortnight. These flags appear as a small red car, and if you hover your mouse over them, they will say which date has expired and when.

To view more information about a vehicle, you are able to hover your mouse over the Registration Number, and panel with the vehicle details will appear
Similarly, you can view additional booking information by hovering your mouse over the booking object.
Same Day Turnaround
The 'Same Day' indicator shows that there is a same day turnaround hire. The upcoming reservation on the same day will have a red arrow to indicate the same day turnaround. Note that clicking on the "Same Day" button at the top on the reservation sheet will make all the upcoming same day reservations flash for a few seconds to warn the user about prioritising these particular reservations.
Relocation Needed
The 'Relocation' Indicator shows when there are two bookings for the same vehicle, between which the vehicle needs relocation. This arrow appears on the first booking, when the drop off location of their first booking is different from the pickup location of their second. Note that clicking on the "Relocation" button at the top on the Reservation Sheet will make all the upcoming blue relocation arrows flash for a few seconds to warn the user about prioritising these particular reservations.
Adding a Reservation
To add a reservation, click the registration number of the vehicle you wish to reserve. You may also click on an individual cell to create a reservation for that vehicle and date.
Clicking the vehicle's registration number or a specific cell displays the New Reservation page where the reservation’s details are specified.
Accessing the Availability Engine Sheet
If you have the Availability engine set up in your RCM system, you are able to switch between this Res Sheet and the Availability Engine Sheet by clicking the "Switch" button indicated below.
While the Reservation Sheet only shows allocated booking, the Availability Engine Sheet also displays future unallocated, on request and placeholder bookings, with a suggested best fit for allocations to optimize your fleet and maximise bookings. It is essentially a visual representation of the behavior of the Availability Engine. For more information, please see the
Availability Engine Booking Sheet article.
How to Update a Reservation and View the Reservation Details
- Click on the colour block that represents the reservation/booking you wish to update. This will take you to the booking module where you can update the booking.
- Click on the information icon at the end of the reservation block. This will take you to the booking details screen for that reservation/booking.
For more information on the booking module, eg - how to add and update reservations, see below:
- Adding and Updating a Reservation
Dragging and Dropping to move a Reservation
Move to a different vehicle in the same vehicle category
To move an existing booking to a new vehicle, you can click and drag the booking to another vehicle in the same category. In short, this drag and drop feature can be used to move a reservation to a different Vehicle.
You will be unable to drag and drop when:
- The booking is a Do Not Move booking or a Maintenance booking
- The booking has a status other than reservation, e.g. Hired
- There is another booking against the new vehicle that will overlap
- You attempt to drag the booking to be on the same vehicle but to a different date. To change the pickup and dropoff date for a booking you must click on the booking and change the dates through the Update Reservation page, you cannot drag and drop a booking to another pickup and dropoff date.
Move to a vehicle at a different location
When you move an existing booking to a different vehicle, you can set your system parameters to determine whether or not the rules about allocating a vehicle are used when determining if the booking can be moved to this new vehicle.
This System Parameter can be found by going to System Setup >> System Parameters >> Booking Process Parameters
If you have this flag set to Yes and you try to move the booking to a vehicle with the last drop off in a different location, it will not be allowed and the following error message will be displayed.
Move Reservation(s) to the same or a different vehicle category
As mentioned above, the drag and drop option doesn't give you the option to move a booking to a different vehicle category. This however can be done when selecting the orange arrow next to the vehicle you wish to move a booking to.
Cancel a Reservation
To cancel a reservation, follow the process detailed above in the "How to Update a Reservation..." section.
Once you are on the Update Reservation page change the Type to “Cancelled”. You must also select a reason for cancellation.
Cancelled reservations will no longer appear on the Reservation Sheet.
Day Sheet
The Day Sheet is similar to the Reservation Sheet, but instead of being broken down into one day intervals, it is broken into one hour intervals. This allows for a more in-depth view of your day. The Day Sheet can be accessed by clicking on a certain date in the header. For example, in the reservation sheet below, the 16th of April header is selected.
This opens up the day sheet shown below where it shows the 16th of April and half of each day on either side of it.
There are often updates made to the reservation sheet. They tend to be general user interface related tools that make reading and navigating the reservation sheet easier.
Highlight feature - Hold shift and then select header on a certain date to highlight it. This means the user can select a range and scroll down to check usage of cars between/inside the highlighted columns.
There is a 1920 x 1080 (Recommended) display resolution. This means that for most HD monitors, it will show exactly 31 days on the reservation sheet, unless specified differently on the Reservation Sheet Defaults.
Vertical Red line. This red line will go down the reservation sheet to indicate the current date. The "Today" button will re adjust the report back to today's date. (If today's date is selected in the range that you run the sheet for).