RCM Lite Vehicle Maintenance

RCM Lite Vehicle Maintenance


RCM Lite provides a quick way for you to view a vehicles information, including it's last, current, and next bookings. It also lets you to add images, complete an inspection, add damage records and make maintenance bookings. This can all be done from the Vehicle Details Screen.

More detailed information about RCM Lite can be found here RCM Lite - Overview.

Accessing the Vehicle Details Screen

There are two ways in which the Vehicle Details screen can be accessed in RCM Lite.
  1. On the Vehicles page, a vehicle can be found by searching for the registration number or scanning either its QR code or license plate.
  2. The Booking Summary Page displays the vehicle information, pressing the blue registration number will take you to the Vehicle Details page.

The Vehicle Details Page

The Vehicle Details page displays the basic vehicle information, which includes it's Registration Number, Fleet Number, Make & Model, and its most recent Odometer reading. It also displays the basic information about either it's last or current booking, as well as it's next booking. You are able to go the Booking Summary page for these bookings, by pressing the blue Reservation Number. 

There for also Function Buttons at the bottom of this page that are described below.


You are able to upload images or documents against a vehicle. These could include images of the car, invoices for damage repairs or documents with sales information. There is no limit on the number that can be added. You are able to do this through RCM Lite by selecting the "Images" Function Button, and this will take you to the page indicated below. To upload a new file, press "New Image/Document".

This will open a window in which you can add an optional description of the file. This can be helpful if there are numerous images or documents saved against a vehicle. Whether you add a description or not, select the "Continue" button to move on. This will open another window in which you select "Browse" to choose how you want to upload a file. Depending on your device, the menu that opens will look different, but it will give you the option to select a document from your devices files or to take an image using its camera. The image below shows the menu for an android device.

If you choose to upload a document, your devices files will be opened, and you can choose which one you want to open. If you choose to take an image, your device camera will open, and you can take a photo. These processes are slightly different for different devices, but either way, when you have a document or image selected to upload, it will appear as shown below. If this is what you want, press "Done" and this image or document will be saved against the vehicle.


The Vehicle Details page also provides an easy way of performing an Inspection for a vehicle. This can be done by selecting the "Inspection" Function Button, to open the page shown below. At the top of this page, you are able to update the vehicles Odometer, Next Service information and fuel level, as well as mark it "Ready To Rent".

Below this is the place where you are able to upload photos of the vehicle so you can record its current condition. There are two ways of doing this. The first is to upload existing photos from your device, and this is done by selecting either the individual "Upload" buttons under each box or the "Upload All" button. Then in the window that opens, press the "Choose file" button and this will open a list of files saved against your device, this will look different for all devices. Select the image you wish to upload, and this will be saved.

The second method is to capture photos using your devices camera, and this is done by selecting either the individual "Capture" Buttons or the "Capture All" button. Then in the window that opens, select which of your devices cameras you want to use (e.g. the front or back camera). Then, press the "Capture" button to take the photo.

Once you have completed this process with all the images, they will be displayed as shown below. At any point you can delete an image by pressing the garbage bin icon, which allows you to upload or capture a new image.

Under this, there is a checklist of items to be completed as part of the inspection. This checklist is set up in the Vehicle Inspection workflow. To mark an item as completed, simply press on the box and it will be marked by a blue tick.

Next, there is a section where you are able to view any existing damage records and add new ones. To add a new damage record, press the plus button next to "New Damage Record". This will open up the window shown below. Both "Damage Area" and "Damage Type" can be selected from a drop down of options that are set up in your RCM system.

The "Description" and "Damage Location" are both optional, but to add in a value here, simply select the box and type it in. When you click on the box under "Date Damage Occurred", it will open up a calendar where you can select the date. To save this date, select "Set". Finally, you have the option to add an image of the damage. To do this, select the "Take Photo" button and this will open up the camera in the damage window. Choose which camera you want to use, (e.g. front or back) and press capture to take the photo. When you have completed this and you wish to save the damage record, press "Done."

Additionally, you are able to create a Maintenance booking against this vehicle. This can be done in the section below the Damages called Maintenance Booking. To add a new one, you set the Pickup and Drop-off Date by selecting the relevant box, then setting it in the window that opens. After you have finished, press "Set" to save this date and time. You can then select the customer from the dropdown list of those marked as Maintenance Customers in RCM. There is the option to add any necessary notes and and when you are done, press "Create Maintenance Booking".

To save this inspection, press the "Complete" button at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the Vehicle Details Page. If, you created a maintenance booking, and it is the next booking recorded against this vehicle, it will show up marked as Maintenance on the Vehicle Details page under Next Booking as shown below.

Inspection History

The last Function Button allows you to view any previous inspections recorded against this vehicle. This can be accessed by selecting the "Inspection History" button. This will open up a list of all previous inspections recorded against this vehicle. For a completed inspection, if you press the "View" button it will open up a PDF copy of the inspection. This is the same PDF that can be attached to customer emails when the vehicle is hired out.

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