Rate Utilization

Rate Utilization


RCM allows you to set up percentage rate changes based on the percentage of bookings for your vehicles. The utilisation rate is calculated from a table of percentages that either increase or decrease the normal rates depending on the vehicle's utilisation level.

Normally the suggested rate is set higher if vehicle utilisation level is high and lower if the utilisation level is low.

Accessing the Rate Utilization Tab 

The rate utilization tab can be found under the Rates sub menu within the System Setup menu.
System Setup > Rates > Rate Utilization

Viewing and Adding Rate Utilization records

Any pre existing rate utilization records will appear. To add a new record, click "Add Rate Utilisation".

This will then open the following screen. Enter in the fields and click "Submit" to save the new record. See the "Field Descriptions" further down the article for more information on each required and optional fields.

Field Descriptions

Pickup Location
Select the Pickup Location this rate utilisation record applies to. All Locations can also be selected. 
Vehicle Category
Select the Vehicle Category this rate utilisation record applies to. All Categories can also be selected. 
Vehicle Utilization Levels From and To
Enter the vehicle utilization levels.
Suggested Rate Change %
Enter the suggested rate change that will show if the above utilization levels are met.
Apply Pickup From and Dropoff End Dates
These fields are optional. If they are not filled in, this record will be applied to all dates. Specify the dates by clicking on either the drop down list or calendar icon.
Apply Rate to RCM
If "Yes" is selected, this means the suggested rate will appear on the Booking Fees tab when making a reservation.
Apply Rate to Web API
If "Yes" is selected, the suggested rate will be applied to Web Bookings.
Apply Rate to Agent API
If "Yes" is selected, the suggested rate will be applied to Agent Bookings. 

Update or Delete a Rate Utilization Record 

The article below is a generic guide on how to update or delete a record:

Exporting / Copy to Clipboard 

Click here for details on how to export or copy this list to the clipboard from RCM.

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