Q: Is there a report that can give me a count of vehicles on hire each day?
Q: Is there a report that can give me a count of vehicles on hire each day?
A: The Future Rentals Report displays the number of vehicles on hire each day. To generate the Future Rentals Report, go to Reports, then click the Daily Activity Reports tab, then Future Rentals Report.
You can run this over a selected date range and it will tell you how many vehicles belonging to a specific category are hired on a certain day. Past dates may also be selected.
Future Rentals Report
To see the number of vehicles 'currently' on hire you can also run the 'Vehicles on Hire' report. To access this report click on the Reports menu and then the Daily Activity Reports tab. Click on the 'Fleet Status Report' icon and then select the 'Vehicles on Hire Report' tab. This report shows the vehicles currently on hire for a given date and can be filtered by Location, Region, and Category.
Vehicles on Hire Report.
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