Future Rentals Report

Future Rentals Report


The Future Rentals Report displays the number of vehicles booked over a specified future period, grouped by vehicle category. This lets you see how many vehicles are being utilised on each day in the date range as well as the total utilisation over a selected date range.

Accessing Future Rentals Report:

Reports >> Daily Activity Reports >> Future Rentals Report


Location Type
You can choose one of the following options as the location type for this report:
  1. Current Location/Region
  2. Owning Location/Region
This report can be run for All Locations or a specific location.
This report can be run for All Regions or a specific region.
Include Non-Revenue bookings
You can choose to include non-revenue bookings in this report by clicking this option.
Category Type
This report can be run for All Category Types or a specific category type
This report can be run for All Categories or a specific category
Date Range
The date range this report will be run for.


The Vehicle Category being reported upon.
No. of Vehicles
The number of vehicles for this category which fall into the reporting period
There will be a column for each of the days within in reporting period.
Each day will have the total number of vehicles that are booking for the category in question.
Total Days Booked
The total number of days that have been booked within the reporting period for the category.
This number can be more than the days available value displayed. This is because the report also includes unallocated bookings.
You can see in the image above that on the 5th March the Luxury category has 4 bookings even though there are only 3 vehicles for this category. This is because there are 4 unallocated bookings for this category all with a pickup date of the 5th March
Days Available
The total number of days there is a vehicle available for the category within the reporting period.
Util %
The utilisation percentage for the vehicle category during the reporting period.
This is the Total Days Booked amount divided by the Days Available.

Points to Note:

  1. This report calculates on a daily basis the number of vehicles by category booked over the selected future period.
  2. The number of vehicles is based on the vehicles expected to be at the reporting Location or Region on the first date of the report.
    If there are any one-way bookings where the pick-up date of the booking is before the reporting period, the current location of the vehicle will be the drop off location.
    If this occurs the Utilisation % may be more than 100% as the booking will be counted, but the vehicle will not be included in the number of vehicles.
  3. The report includes unallocated bookings.
  4. Pickup after 12:00 pm will not count as 1 booking for the pickup date.
  5. Drop off before 12:00 pm will not count as 1 booking for the drop off date.
  6. The total number of days value can be more than the days available value displayed. This is because the report also includes unallocated bookings.
    You can see in the image above that on the 5th March the Luxury category has 4 bookings even though there are only 3 vehicles for this category. This is because there are 4 unallocated bookings for this category all with a pickup date of the 5th March


Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM 

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