Check Utilization

Check Utilization


The Check Utilization feature helps you identify what vehicle categories for a location between a set date have been sold and are still available - i.e. how much your fleet is being utilized. 
Once you have set your parameters/filters, depending on what Rate Utilization records have been created, this will show the days sold and days available which then calculate the utilization percentage and give the suggested rate change. Note that maintenance bookings are included in the days sold.

The utilization percentage is calculated based on the days sold ÷ days available for the selected date range.
The number of days available is calculated using the number of vehicles expected to be at the reporting location/region (if the System Parameter "Rate Utilization By Region" is set to "Yes") on the first date of the report. (System Setup > System Parameters > Rate Parameters > "Rate Utilization By Region").

Accessing Check Utilization 

System Setup > Rates > Check Utilization

Parameters / Filters 

Select a location from the drop down list of what utilization results you want to see.
Category Type
In conjunction with the location, select the vehicle category from the drop down list of what utilization results you want to see.
Pickup From and To Dates
Select the dates either from the drop down boxes or calendar icon depending on how long you want to view what vehicles are being utilized. The default Pickup Date is a week from the current date and runs to the next month from the current date.

Once you have set the Parameters / Filters, click "View" to run the report.


Field Descriptions

The location as selected when going through the parameters/filters before viewing the check utilization.
Depending on what category you selected, all the vehicle categories under that type will show.
Pickup and Dropoff Dates
The pickup and dropoff dates as selected when going through the parameters/filters before viewing the check utilization.
Days Sold
The number of days that vehicle category has been sold. 
Days Available
The number of days that vehicle category still has available.
Utilization % 
The utilization level percentage as calculated.
Suggested Rate Change
The suggested rate change is dependent on what the utilization % is.

Printing / Exporting

Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM.

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