Name | Required (Yes / No) | Description |
Offence Driver or Company | Yes | The driver or company that was associated with the infringement. |
Driver Information | N/A | There is a list of the driver's personal information including their address, mobile number, date of birth, licence number, licence issued location and expiry date, and passport number. |
Booking Information | N/A | There is the basic booking information including the Reservation Number and vehicle Registration Number. |
Vehicle Owned By | Yes | The company that owns the vehicle and or the booking. |
Infringement Authority | Yes | The authority who issued the infringement. The authorities displayed are setup on the Authority page. |
Date of Offence | Yes | The date and time the infringement occurred. |
Infringement # | Yes | The identifying number for the infringement. This will be provided by the infringement authority with the infringement notice. |
Obligation # | No | An alternative identifying number to the infringement number. |
Location of Infringement | No | The location where the infringement occurred. The locations displayed are setup on the Toll Locations page. |
Declared By | Yes | The operator / user who added the infringement to your RCM system. |
Declaration Date | Yes | The date the infringement was added to your RCM system. |
Declared At | No | The location where the infringement was declared. |
Witness | No | The statutory declaration witness. Witnesses can be added from the Witness List page. |
Customer Letter Notes | No | These are additional notes to include in the infringement notice letter when sent to the customer. |
Internal Notes | No | These are additional notes to add to the infringement record with your RCM system. Only your operators / users will be able to view these notes. |