Add Infringement

Add Infringement


The Add Infringement tab allows you to add infringement records to bookings. 
Infringements are generally traffic related and can include different offences such as speeding, parking illegally, not wearing a seatbelt etc. 
Before you can add an infringement record, you need to have set up your infringement Authorities and Witness records. 

Accessing the Add Infringement Tab

The Add Infringement tab can be found under the Infringement Processing submenu in Reservations.
Reservations >> Infringement Processing >> Add Infringement 

You will need to navigate across to the "Add Infringement" tab after clicking on "Infringement Processing". 

Add an Infringement Record

There are  two options to find the reservation that needs an infringement record added. 
  1. Search by Rego # and the Infringement Date - Click "View"
  2. Search by Last Name - Click "View"
Once you have the reservation you wish to add an infringement record against, click on the "Select" button to prompt the New Statutory Declaration screen. 

Enter in the details as seen in the screenshot below and click "Submit" to save.

After saving the record you will be taken to the Statutory declaration screen where you can view the record you have created. For more information on how to view the list of infringements recorded, see:

Form Field Descriptions

Required (Yes / No)
Offence Driver or Company
The driver or company that was associated with the infringement.
Vehicle Owned By
The company that owns the vehicle and or the booking.
Infringement Authority 
The authority who issued the infringement. The authorities displayed are setup on the Authority page.
Date of Offence 
The date and time the infringement occurred. 
Infringement #
The identifying number for the infringement. This will be provided by the infringement authority with the infringement notice. 
Obligation #
An alternative identifying number to the infringement number.
Location of Infringement
The location where the infringement occurred. The locations displayed are setup on the Toll Locations page.
Declared By
The operator / user who added the infringement to your RCM system.
Declaration Date
The date the infringement was added to your RCM system.
Declared At
The location where the infringement was declared.
The statutory declaration witness. Witnesses can be added from the Witness List page.
Customer Letter Notes
These are additional notes to include in the infringement notice letter when sent to the customer.
Internal Notes
These are additional notes to add to the infringement record with your RCM system. Only your operators / users will be able to view these notes. 

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        A: You can add fees to a closed reservation. The Cash Receipts program allows additional charges to be added to the contract even when the reservation has been closed. For more details, see Cash Receipts on the Reservation User Manual.
      • Q: My operator needs to add infringement fees to a closed reservation. How can I give him access to reopen a contract?

        A: You can add fees to a closed reservation. The Cash Receipts function allows additional charges to be added to the contract even when the reservation has been closed. For more details, see the Cash Receipts article.
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