Web Additional Fees

Web Additional Fees


Web Additional Fees allow you to further define the conditions around when  an extra free will apply to a booking.  For example, you may have an additional fee for a pickup of dropoff during the Easter period.   The conditions available  include:
  1. Bookings over or under a certain amount of days
  2. Bookings with Pickup of Drop-off times out of office hours
  3. Pickup or drop-off date periods

Just like Web / Agent Extra Fees, Additional Fees, when flagged, will appear on your website if the other filters associated with that fee are met. The fee can also be available to Agent API's. 

Accessing Web Additional Fees

Web Additional Fees can be accessed through the Website Interface Menu.
  1. Web Site Interface > Web Extra Fees > Additional Fees 

Adding Additional Fees

Click on "Add Additional Fees".

This will then take you to the screen as seen below. Fill in the mandatory fields and click "Submit" to save the Additional Fee. See the Web Additional Fees Field Description table below for more information.

Web Additional Fees Field Descriptions 


Select the brand the fee applies to.

Pickup Location

Select the pickup location this fee would apply to.

Dropoff Location

Select the drop off location this fee would apply to.

Category Type

Select the Category Type this fee would apply to.

OR Vehicle Category

OR select the Vehicle Category this fee would apply to.

Extra Fee (Fixed or Daily only)

Select the Extra Fee from the drop down list. Note that the pre existing fees will only show if they are daily or fixed. 

Web Available

Select whether this fee is web available.

Agent API Available 

Select whether this fee is API available.

Apply to bookings at & over (# of days)

Select whether this fee applies to bookings at and over a certain amount of days.

Not apply to bookings at & over (# of days)

Select whether this fee DOESN'T applies to bookings at and over a certain amount of days.

Only apply to Drop offs within office hours

Select whether or not this fee applies to drop offs within office hours.

Pickup Date from

Select if this fee is limited to when the vehicle is being Picked Up

Pickup Date to

Select when you want this fee to stop being used for vehicles being picked up after a certain date. (Optional)

Drop off Date from

Select if this fee is limited to when the vehicle is being dropped off.

Drop off Date to

Select when you want this fee to stop being used for vehicles being dropped off after a certain date. (Optional)



Points to Note

  1. Any additional fees created will automatically be added to future bookings entered in RCM.
  2. If the Fee does not apply to bookings at & over is set to 0 or empty, the additional fee will apply to all bookings in the date range.

Update and Delete Web Additional Fees 

The below article is just a generic guide how to update or delete a record:
Updating and Deleting a Record

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