Vehicle Servicing

Vehicle Servicing


RCM has a Vehicle Servicing function which allows you to set up the services that can be performed on your vehicles and then keep track of any as they occur. You are able to record any costs against the services as they are performed.

These services can either be classed as Periodic Maintenance (PM) or Manual services.

Manual Servicing involves simply recording the services in the system after they have happened so that each vehicle has a full history of costs stored against it.

Using the PM Service feature can be useful as it allows you to schedule certain services for your vehicles, such as changing tyres or fluids in advance. When setting up the PM services, you can also assign either a Kms/Mileage, number of days, or both that can be used to determine when a PM Service is due for a vehicle.

Setting up Vehicle Services within RCM

Before you can assign PM services to vehicles or start recording services against vehicles, you will need to setup the services within RCM.
The Following screens can all be found under the Fleet Manager option in the Vehicle Maintenance menu.

The following listing is ordered in the sequence you will need to follow to setup the services within RCM.

PM Schedule Category – The PM Schedule Category is simply the high-level categorisation of the service types. This could be as simple as mirroring your category types. 
Service Type – This is a listing of the general descriptions of services that can be performed, some examples may be Oil/Filter Change, Service, Repairs. 
Service Items   - Service items are parts that are needed when a specific service type is performed on your vehicles. Thus, service items are always linked to a service type and cannot be setup until you have created the necessary Service Type. 
Service Status - Service Statuses refer to the status of the service item. When adding a new PM Service for a vehicle, and there are service items attached to the PM Service, you will have to select a status for the service item once the PM service has been carried out. Some examples of Service status might be adjusted, topped up, checked, and replaced. 
Service Authority - Service authorities are your personnel who are authorised to send your vehicles for periodic maintenance. 
Vendor – This is a listing of the vendors that perform your maintenance services. This could include your own workshop. 
PM Service Setup – Once you have all of the above information setup, you will now be able to create PM Services and assign them to one of the PM Schedule Categories you created. You are able to have more than one PM Service per PM Schedule Category. When you create the PM Service you need to assign it to a PM Schedule Category and give it a Service Type. This is where you can assign either the Interval of Days or the Interval of Units (Kms/Miles) for the PM Service. You can assign a value to both intervals; this means the PM Service will show when it is due for both of these options.

Please see our Fleet Manager Setup Knowledge Base article which describes this setup in detail 

Using the Vehicle Service Function within RCM

Within RCM the Service Function can be broken into two main areas, PM Services and Manual Services.

PM Services

To allow the PM Service function to keep track of a vehicle and be informed of when it is due for services, you will need to assign a PM Schedule Category to the vehicle.

This is done on the Vehicle Update screen shown in the image below. There is a drop down list from which you will choose the relevant PM Schedule Category. The two fields PM Base Date and PM Base Mileage will also need to have information put into them when you assign the PM Schedule Category.

When you first assign a PM Schedule Category to a vehicle, these two fields should be set to the last date and the last mileage that the scheduled service was performed.
The Vehicle Service Function will use these two values to determine when the first service will come due.

After the first service has been recorded in RCM, the Service function will then use the date and mileage on the latest service recorded and the current date and the Current Mileage of the vehicle to determine when the next service is due.

Once you have assigned a PM Schedule Category to a vehicle you can start using the Service Function for this vehicle. The Fleet Manager screen is an easy way to create and maintain any service records for your vehicles.

From this screen you can add a new PM Service, edit an existing PM Service or view the last PM Service that was recorded against a vehicle. You are also able to add a Manual Service and get a listing of all of the services for a vehicle.

Following is a link to the Knowledge Base articles that describe Fleet Manager in more detail   - Vehicle Servicing 

You are also able to add a PM Service to a vehicle via the Add PM Service  and Add Manual Service buttons at the bottom of the individual vehicle summary screen

When you first log in to RCM you are able to see a listing of the top 10 vehicles that are due for a PM Service based on both time and Mileage on the home page.  You are also able see any vehicles with Registration due. 

Manual Services

RCM also allows the set up of what is referred to as a Manual Service, which is normally an unscheduled service or a repair.
Manual services can be entered from either the Manual Service tab on the Vehicle Update page or from the Fleet Manager page.

Please see the Vehicle Servicing   articles for more information. 

Vehicle Servicing Reports 

The following reports are available within RCM in relation to the Vehicle Service function:

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