Vehicle Performance Report

Vehicle Performance Report


The Vehicle Performance Report shows the total revenue and utilisation rates for each individual vehicle, grouped by vehicle category. The total revenue is based on the number of days hired in the reporting period.
For example, if a vehicle is hired out from the 1st of March to the 31st of March at $50 per day and the Vehicle Performance Report is run with a date range from the 1st of March to the 10th of March the total revenue printed for the vehicle will be 10 Days @ $50 = $500.  
It also shows the net daily dollar average per vehicle as well as the gross daily dollar average per vehicle. The net daily dollar average is computed by dividing the rental revenue by the number of days hired while the gross daily dollar average is computed by dividing the total rental revenue by the number of days hired.

Accessing Vehicle Performance Report:

Reports >> Monthly Financial Reports >> Operating Control Report >> Vehicle Performance


Vehicle Location
This report can be run for All Locations or a specific location.
This report can be run for All Region or a specific Region.
Location Type
The above two location filters can be set to run for either of the following two location types:
  1. Vehicle Owning Location
  2. Vehicle Current Location
Category Type
This report can be run for All Category Types or a specific category type.
This report can be run for All Categories or a specific category.
If a value is entered for Rego/Fleet#, then this will be the only vehicle included in the report.
Date Range
The date range the report will be run for.


The category of the vehicle.
The model of the vehicle
The registration number of the vehicle
Fleet #
The fleet number of the vehicle
The current location of the vehicle.
No of Days Available
The total number of days the vehicle was available for hire during the report period.
This takes into account the Date On and Date Off fleet, it also takes into account any period the vehicle was marked as not utilised during the report period.
No Days Rented
The total number of days the vehicle was rented during the report period.
Utilisation Rate
The utilisation rate of the vehicle during the report period.
This is the No Days Rented divided by No of Days Available.
No of Contracts
The total number of bookings for the vehicle during the report period.
Rental Revenue
The total rental revenue for the vehicle during the report period
Extra Revenue 
The total revenue from extra fees for the vehicle during the report period
Total Revenue
The total revenue for the vehicle during the report period
Percentage of Total
The percentage of the total revenue compared to the Grand total of revenue.
DDA Nett
The Daily Dollar Average Nett is the average rental revenue for each day.
This is calculated by Rental Revenue divided by no Days Rented.
DDA Gross
The Daily Dollar Average Gross is the average total revenue for each day.
This is calculated by Total Revenue divided by no Days Rented.
Maintenance Costs
The total Cost of any services recorded for the vehicle during the reporting period.
Net Revenue
This is Total Revenue for the vehicle minus any Maintenance Costs.

Points to Note:

  1. Report values are calculated based on the No. of Contract days (Hired or Returned) in the Selected Date Range
  2. Days Available are calculated based on vehicle Utilisation records, vehicles currently not available for booking may include in the report if it is set as Utilised
  3. The Report is based on the Location the Vehicle belongs to
  4. No. of Days Available are based on vehicle on and off fleet dates, and calculated as calendar days regardless of the category rate type
  5. Please note that if you have manually changed the number of days for the rental rates on a booking, this report will not be correct.
  6. Extra Revenues do not include Recovered Expenses and Bond
  7. DDA Nett (Daily Dollar Average Nett) is calculated by Rental Revenue/Days
  8. DDA Gross (Daily Dollar Average Gross) is calculated by Total Revenue/Days


Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM

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