Vehicle Export Report

Vehicle Export Report


The vehicle export report is commonly used to give you a detailed over view of all the vehicles in your fleet. This report can be filtered down by location and vehicle category. 

This report covers all facets, namely, each vehicle's maintenance costs, distance travelled, purchase and finance/lease based details.

Accessing the Vehicle Export Report 

Reports > Other Reports >Vehicle Export Report

Parameters / Filters 

Select all or a single location. 
Select all or a single vehicle category.

Once you have set the Parameters / Filters, click "View" to run the report. 


Field Descriptions

Car ID
The ID number of the car. 
Category Type
The vehicle category type.
The vehicle category.
Registration #
The vehicle's registration number.
Fleet # 
If applicable, the vehicle's fleet number.
The vehicle's make, e.g. Subaru.
The vehicle's model, e.g. Legacy.
Purchase Date
If the vehicle was bought, the date it was purchased will be shown here.
Purchase Price
If purchased, how much the vehicle was bought for.
Residual Value
If the vehicle was leased, this is the estimated value of the vehicle at the end of the lease.
Depreciation Rate
This is the rate at which the value of the car decreases.
Monthly Payment
If the car was leased, this is how much money the vehicle costs to pay off every month.
Disposal Date
If the vehicle is old and or can no longer be used, this means the vehicle needs to be disposed of. Once disposed and entered in the system, this will show under this field.
Disposal Price
The cost from disposing the vehicle. 
Unit Travelled 
The total current distance the vehicle has travelled.


Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM.

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