The Vehicle Availability Reports allow you to view the number of vehicles available Daily or Hourly. There are 4 variations of the report:
Daily Vehicle Availability - shows availability per day for a specified period for a Location or Category
Daily Vehicle Availability (AE) - shows availability per day as calculated by the Availability Engine for a specified period for a Location or Category
Regional Vehicle Availability - shows availability per day for a specified period for a Region and Category
Hourly Vehicle Availability - shows availability per hour for a specified period for a Location, Region or Category
Accessing the Reports
All Versions of the report can be accessed via - Reservations >> Vehicle Availability
Daily Vehicle Availability Report
This report shows the number of vehicles available each day for the specified period for the Location/Categories, as well as the number of pickups and drop-offs.

Today's Available = Yesterday's Available + Yesterday's dropoff (does not include same day drop offs) - Today's Pickup + NewFleetNo - OffFleetNo.
The report includes unallocated and On Request bookings.
If a vehicle is being dropped off from one booking and picked up for another on the same day, then the drop off and pickup are not included in the daily counts.
If you click on the date, you can see a listing of the pickups and drop offs for this day and location, as well as any bookings on hire.
Daily Vehicle Availability (AE) Report
This report is essentially the same as the Daily Vehicle Availability Report, except it is updated by the Availability Engine and it includes the Utilisation Percentage of that Category and Location as well as the number of vehicles with Limited availability.
A vehicle is marked as Limited if the vehicle is in the location, but is restricted on how it may be booked, e.g. it may be required for an early booking the next day, or it may only accept one-way bookings.
Additionally, this report highlights the location and category as yellow if there are zero vehicles availably and red if it is overbooked.
Regional Vehicle Availability Report
This report shows the number of vehicles available each day for the specified period for the Region/Categories
Today's Available = Yesterday's Available + Yesterday's dropoff - Today's Pickup + NewFleetNo - OffFleetNo.
The report includes unallocated and On Request bookings.
Hourly Vehicle Availability Report
Shows the number of vehicles available each hour of each day for the specified period for the Location/Categories
Note that this report does not break down by category. If you need to view a specific Category, you will need to select it when running the report.
Dropoffs will be counted as availabile in the next hour.
e.g: Hour 10-11 Available = Hour 9-10 Available + Hour 9-10 dropoff (does not include same hour drop offs) - Hour 10-11 Pickup
This report includes both unallocated and allocated bookings when displaying availability.
Points to Note
The reports do not allow selection of all locations/Region and all categories. You must select a specific Location, Region or Category.
Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM