Vehicle Availability Report

Vehicle Availability Report


The Vehicle Availability Report is a good tool for determining availability of vehicles on a selected date and time. It provides details of the last and next reservations for the vehicle and shows how long the vehicle is available for before its next booking. It also gives you the added functionality of updating the vehicle status, creating new reservations and moving reservations from one vehicle to another.

Note that this report does not take into account vehicles required for unallocated bookings.

Accessing the Vehicle Availability Report

Reports Menu >>> Daily Activity Reports >>>  Vehicle Availability Report


Can be run for All Locations or a selected location
Can be run for all Regions or a selected region. 
If both a location and a region are selected, the location will be ignored and the region will be applied.
Category Type
Can be run for All Category Types or a selected Category Type
Can be run for All Categories or a selected Category.
Vehicle Location
Choose whether the location applies to either the Current Location or the Last Drop Off Location
Date and Time
The specific Date and Time you want to see availability.


The Vehicle Category of the vehicle.
The Model of the Vehicle
The Registration Number of the vehicle
Fleet #
The Fleet Number of the vehicle, if one has not been entered for this vehicle, this field will be blank.
The Grade of the vehicle.
Current Located
The location that is recorded as the Current Location of the vehicle. 
Last Res Drop off before the Report Date
The Drop Off Location, Date and time will be displayed here for the last booking before the report date for the vehicle. The current status of that booking will also be displayed here.
Next Res PIckup
The Reservation number, Location, Date and time for the next booking after the report date for the vehicle. 
You can view the Booking Details screen by clicking on the red reservation number.
Days Available
The number of days the vehicle will be available. 
This is the period of time between the report date and the next pickup date and time.
If there is no next Pickup reservation, then this field will be blank.
Update Status
By clicking on the Update Status button you can update the vehicle status. This is discussed more in the Points to Note section below.
You can create a new booking for the vehicle buy clicking on the Book button. This is discussed more in the Points to Note section below.
If you wish to move existing bookings to this vehicle, click on the Move button. This is discussed more in the Points to Note section below.

Points to Note

This report gives you the opportunity to perform one of 3 different actions:
  1. Update the vehicle status,
  2. Create a new booking for the vehicle, and 
  3. Move bookings to the vehicle. 
Each of these options is discussed in more detail below.

Update Vehicle Status

You are able to update some of the vehicle status information from this report. Simply click on the Status button and you will see the screen show below. From here you can update the following information about the vehicle:
  1. The Vehicle Cleaned flag.
  2. The Current Fuel level in the vehicle.
  3. The Current Mileage on the vehicle
  4. The Current Location of the vehicle

Create New Booking

If you wish to create a new booking for the vehicle in question, simply click on the Book button. The Booking form will be displayed, as shown below. the vehicle information will be pre-filled with the relevant information. You can see below, that the Booking Form will open on the Booking Details tab.

Move Booking/s to Vehicle

If you click on the Move button you are able to move either one or multiple bookings to this vehicle. When you click on the Move button, the screen shown below is displayed.
From this screen you enter the booking number you are wishing to move to this vehicle  and then click on either the "Move this Booking" or "Move Multiple Bookings" button depending upon whether you are moving one or more than one booking.
It is important to note two things when moving bookings via this screen:
  1. The booking being moved must have a status of Reservation.
  2. If moving the booking to a different vehicle means that the vehicle category on the booking changes, the rates on the booking will NOT change.

If you click the "Move this Booking" button, you will see the screen shown below, which lets you know the booking has been moved successfully.

If you click the "Move Multiple Bookings" button, you will see the screen shown below. The bookings listed are all bookings with a status of Reservation where the vehicle is the same as the vehicle on the booking number you entered. To get the screen shown below, I entered the Reservation number 22.
You are then able to select which of these bookings you would like changed to the new vehicle by ensuring that the Select column has a tick in it. Once you have done this, simply click on the "Move Selected Bookings" button.
You can also see in the image below, that when the vehicle move means that the Vehicle Category on the Reservations will change, a warning message is displayed.


Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM 

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