Additional Feature - Tracking Vehicle Emissions

Additional Feature - Tracking Vehicle Emissions

RCM now allows you to track the emissions produced by a vehicle. You are able to see the emissions produced for each booking or as a total for a vehicle.

There are two items that need to be setup to allow this tracking to start:
  1. Set the Emission Unit to be used.
  2. Set the Emission rate, this can be set at both the Vehicle category and the vehicle level. 

Set Emission Unit

You can set the Emission Unit that will be displayed in reporting by updating the "Emission Unit" system parameter which can be found under the Miscellaneous Parameters section in the System Parameters screen, see below.

Set Emission Rate

You are able to set the Emission Rate at either the Vehicle or the Vehicle Category level. When the calculation is performed, the Vehicle is checked first to see if there is an Emission Rate, if so this one is used. If there is not one set at the Vehicle level, the Vehicle category is checked next. If there is one there, that one is used. 
If there is no Emission Rate set, then no calculation is performed.

Below is where this can be set at the Vehicle Category level.

Below is where this can be set at the Vehicle level.

Kms Travelled Report

The Kms Travelled Report has been updated to include the Total Emission calculation for the trip, see below. the following article describes this report in more detail, Kms Travelled Report.

Vehicle Summary 

The Vehicle Summary report has also been updated to included the Emission Rate for the vehicle. This is calculated using the Mileage Travelled for the vehicle, which can also be seen on the Vehicle Summary screen. This is the total amount of travel recorded for this vehicle while it has been on-fleet in RCM.

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