Stop Sale Check

Stop Sale Check


The Stop Sale Check allows you to check the availability that will be returned on either your webs site or to agents  for a booking period. This availability status is determined using the Stop Sale records that you have setup.

Accessing Stop Sale Check:

Web Site Interface >> Stop Sale >> Stop Sale Check


Pickup Location
The pickup location of the booking you are checking,
API Type
You can choose whether you are wanting to check bookings through your website through the Web API or bookings being made by agents through the Agent API.
Category Type
The category type you wish to run this check for.
Date Range
The booking period.
Drop off Location
the drop location of the booking you are checking.


The Vehicle Category.
Total Vehicles
The total number of vehicles that are on fleet for the location and date range.
Booked Vehicles
The number of vehicles that are booked for the location and date range.
Available Vehicles
The number of vehicles that are available for the location and date range. This is calculated by total Vehicles minus Booked Vehicles.
Booked Percent
The percentage of he vehicles that are booked. This is the percentage that is used to determine the availability status.
Availability Status
the available status of the category for the booking period and location.

Points to Note:

  1. This report runs the internal step of a Stop Sale availability check. These results are not necessarily what gets returned for the API results (see below)
  2. This report does not check Web Category Availability records or Agent Category Availability records.  In a live API situation, the results here will be applied to override anything marked as "Available" in the category records.
  3. As explained above, the results here will NOT override records that are set to "On Request" or "Not Available" in the category availability records.
  4. Any records that are missing from here will default to the category availability records in a live API situation.
  5. If the system flag 'Stop sale - Available vehicles excluded if next pickup not at drop off location' is set to Yes, the Total Vehicles will not include vehicles where the next pickup is not at the drop off location.
  6. The Stop Sale calculations are based on an average availability over the designated stop-sell period. This may result in the availability being one or two vehicles less than the actual live availability at a specific point in time. This is because the stop-sale calculation is taking the unallocated bookings into account.
  7. Allocated bookings are used to mark the actual vehicle as booked. When the unallocated bookings are taken into account, the Stop Sale function doesn't try and assign a vehicle to each booking (and therefore maybe fit two bookings on one vehicle where possible), it counts each unallocated booking as a vehicle being hired for the period.
  8. For example, say the booking request period is 1/May - 12/May and you have two unallocated bookings, one for 1/May-3/May and one for 5/May - 10/May, this would count as two vehicles being hired out. Whereas if you allocated these two bookings to the one vehicle, it would only count as one vehicle being hired out.


Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM
Booking List in Date Range

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