Receipts Audit Report

Receipts Audit Report


The Receipts Audit Report displays any payments where the payment date entered is different from the actual date the payment was recorded. For example, if an operator processes a $100 payment today but enters a payment date of a week earlier the Receipts Audit report will show this booking.
The image below shows where in the reservation process the payment date is entered and may potentially be tampered with. This report deters operators from potentially taking a booking payment themselves, then back-dating the receipt so that it won’t show among the current day's bookings.

Accessing Receipts Audit Report:

Reports >> Monthly Financial Reports >> Receipts Audit Report


Pickup Location
This report can be run for All Locations or a specific Location.
Date Range
The date range this report will be run for.
This date range applies to the actual date the payment was added to the system, rather than the date recorded as the payment date.


The name of the operator that recorded this payment.
Res #
The reservation number of the booking this payment was recorded against.
Clicking on the red reservation number will open the Booking Details screen.
Payment Type
The tender type that was saved against this payment.
The payment amount recorded.
Entered Date
The actual date this payment was recorded.
Billing Date
The date that the operator saved against the payment as the payment date.

Points to Note:

This report will only return information about payments where the Payment Date differs from the Entered Date.


Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM.

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