Rate Discount Report

Rate Discount Report


The Rate Discount Report will show a listing of the bookings within a date range that have had a rate discount applied to them. You can run this report as either a summary or detail version.

Accessing Rate Discount Report:

Reports >> Hireage and Sales Reports >> Rate Discount Report


Pickup Location
This report can be run for All Location or a specific location.
This report can be run for All Regions or a specific region.
This report can be run for All Categories or a specific category.
Report Type
This report can be run as one of the following types:
  1. Detail
  2. Summary
Report Date Range Type
This report can be run for one of the following date ranges:
  1. Date Entered
  2. Pickup Date
Report Date Range
The date range that will be applied to the report.


Below is an example of this report being run as the Summary version. The information in this report is grouped by the Discount.

The name of the discount that has been applied to the bookings.
Clicking on the red Discount will open a listing of the bookings this discount has been applied to.
Discount Rate
The discount rate that has been applied to the bookings.
No of Contracts
The number of bookings that this discount has been applied to.
No of Days
The total number of rental days for the bookings that this discount has been applied to.
Rental Revenue
The total rental revenue for the bookings that this discount has been applied to. This is the rental rate charge
Total Revenue
The total revenue for the bookings that this discount has been applied to.

Below is an example of the listing that is displayed when the red Discount name is clicked.

Res #
The reservation number of the booking.
Clicking on the red reservation number will open the Booking Details screen.
Rental Source
The rental source that has been assigned to the booking.
The discount that has been assigned to the booking.
Booking Entered By
The name of the operator who created the booking.
The name of the customer that has been assigned to the booking.
The pickup location of the booking.
Pickup Date
The pickup date of the booking.
Drop Off Date
The drop off date of the booking.
No Days
The number of rental days for the booking.
Rental Revenue
The rental revenue of the booking. This is the rental rate charge.

Below is an example of this report being run as the Detail version.

Res #
The reservation number of the booking.
Clicking on the red reservation number will open the Booking Details screen.
The status of the booking.
The category that has been assigned to the booking,
Rental Source
the rental source that has been assigned to the booking.
Campaign Code
The campaign code that was saved against this booking.
The discount that was applied to the booking.
Operator Entered
The name of the operator who created the booking,
The name of the customer assigned to the booking.
The pickup location of the booking.
Pickup Date
The pickup date of the booking.
Drop Off Date
The drop off date of the booking.
No Days
The number of rental days for the booking.
Rental Revenue
The rental revenue for the booking. This is the rental rate charge.
Total Revenue
The total revenue for the booking.

Points to Note:

  1. Booking Entered by may not be the operator applied the discount


Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM

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