Payment Terms

Payment Terms


The payment terms setup table  allows you to create the payment terms based on your due date requirements. 

Once the terms have been setup, they will appear for selection in the 'Payment Terms' drop down box when creating or updating company information as below.

If payment terms have been specified, it will also be shown on the customer invoice linked with that company:

Accessing the Payment Terms tab

The Payment Terms setup  tab can be found under the Tender Type icon under the System Setup menu.
System Setup > Tender Type > Accounts Payments Terms

Viewing and Adding Payment Terms  

Any previously created payment terms will appear on the Accounts Payments Terms tab. To add a new record, click "Add Terms".

This will open the new Terms page where you can make a new record. Once you have filled in the mandatory fields (all), click "Submit" to save. 

Payment Terms Field Descriptions

No. of days
Enter the number of days for the term. 
Term Description
Enter a description for the term.

Update or Delete Payment Terms

The below article is  a generic guide how to update or delete a record:

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