Payment Card Type

Payment Card Type


The Payment Card Types setup table allows you to which credit card types are allowed when adding card to the Credit Card Vault.
The Payment Card Types you set up also have the option to be selected by customers on your website if you wish. Note that this option only applies if you are running the optional Web Module which allows integration of your website with Rental Car Manager.
The different payment card types defined in the system can be seen from the Credit Card Vault screen when saving a credit card. 

Accessing the Payment Card Type tab

The Payment Card Type tab can be found under the System Setup menu.
System Setup >> Payment Card Type

Viewing and Adding Payment Card Types  

Any pre existing records will shown the Payment Card Type tab. To add a new record, click "Add Payment Card Type".

This will open the new Payment Card Type page where you can make a new record. Once you have filled in the mandatory fields (all), click "Submit" to save. 

Note that the card type will only appear in the vault for selection if it has a card length against it. 

Payment Card Type Field Descriptions

Payment Card Type
The Card Type name.
Cards Digits in Length
Choose the digit length corresponding to the card you are entering a record for. You only need to enter a value for a card type you wish to store in the vault.
Web Item
By default, web item is set to Yes. This means that the payment card type can be selected when a customer is entering their card details into the secure vault. You can change this to No if you don't want to the customer to be able to save the payment card type in the secure vault.
Note that this option only applies if you are running the optional Web Module which allows integration of your website with Rental Car Manager. As mentioned earlier, the card type will appear in the vault from RCM only if the card length is there. For online bookings, it will only show if the web item is set to Yes.

Entering an Unsupported Card

If Credit Card Type is set to "No" for Web Item, a customer will be unable to enter that type of credit card into the vault. If for example, Visa is set to "No" and they try to enter it, this warning will appear.

Update or Delete a Payment Card Type

The below article is a generic guide how to update or delete a record:
Updating and Deleting a Record

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