On Request Bookings

On Request Bookings


On Request bookings are unconfirmed bookings that may be manually converted or declined once vehicle availability is determined. 
This type of booking is generally made from your website in the following circumstances:
  1. Your System has been setup for all Web Bookings to come through as Booking Requests
  2. The 'Web Availability' for the category has been set to 'Might be Available - make a request'
  3. The Customer did not enter Credit Card details when making a booking on your website - when this happens the booking may come through as an 'On Request' booking depending on your system settings.

Accessing On Request Bookings 

You can view all of your On Request Bookings via Reservations >> Allocate Reservation >> On Request Bookings.

Enter any search criteria and click on 'View' to display the bookings. 

The bookings will display in the list with the following button options:

Update- Open the booking to make any changes
Allocate Vehicle- Allows you to allocate a vehicle to the booking and will convert the request to an allocated booking
Add Note - Allows you to create a note against the booking
Decline - Cancels the booking and opens the decline email template to send an email to the customer notifying them the request was declined.
Cancel - Cancels the booking without the option of sending an email.

Once the On Request booking has been Allocated or Declined, it will no longer appear in the list. 


Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM

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