New - Rate Import

New - Rate Import


The Rate Import feature has been introduced so users can import rates into Rental Car Manager. This needs to be completed by importing the rates as a CSV File. To ensure correct formatting, if applicable, it is recommended you export existing rates (season specific or default) you have in RCM. From there, you can edit the CSV File accordingly. See "Exporting the Rates as a CSV File" further down in this article for more information.

Users can create the imported file from scratch if they wish, but this needs to be formatted correctly. If so, here are some key points on the formatting requirements:
  1. Category must be the name of an existing category in RCM
  1. Location must be the name of an existing location in RCM
  1. Agent Rate Type must be the name of an existing Agent Type in RCM
  1. If updating rates for a season, the season name must be exactly the same as displayed in RCM
  1. Season start and season end must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd. So the 1st December 2021 will be 2021-12-01
  1. The rate structure must match the name of a rate structure in RCM

For pricing and any enquiries regarding this feature, please contact:

Additional Season Notes
The season name doesn't have to already exist. If it does exist, then the rates for that season will be updated. If it doesn't exist then a new season will be created with the dates provided. The season will only be created if the dates don't clash with an existing season.

For the default season, the Season should be "Default" and Season Start and Season End can be empty text i.e. "".

Formatting Order
Agent Rate Type (If applicable)
Season Start (If applicable)
Season End (If applicable)

Example CSV format for existing season
Category,"Location","Season","Season Start","Season End","Weekend","1 day","2 Day","3 to 6 Days","7 to 13 Days","14 to 30 Days","31+ Days"
Compact,"Brisbane Airport","Summer22","2021-12-01","2022-03-01","95","90","85","80","75","70","60"
Economy,"Brisbane Airport","Summer22","2021-12-01","2022-03-01","85","85","85","83","82","81","80"
Luxury,"Brisbane Airport","Summer22","2021-12-01","2022-03-01","140","140","130","130","120","110","100"
Midsize,"Brisbane Airport","Summer22","2021-12-01","2022-03-01","75","75","75","70","60","55","50"
Premium,"Brisbane Airport","Summer22","2021-12-01","2022-03-01","110","110","100","90","90","90","90"
Sport Utility,"Brisbane Airport","Summer22","2021-12-01","2022-03-01","110","110","100","90","80","70","70"
Example CSV format for default season
Category,"Location","Season","Season Start","Season End","Weekend","1 day","2 Day","3 to 6 Days","7 to 13 Days","14 to 30 Days","31+ Days"
Compact,"Brisbane Airport","Default","","","60","55","50","50","45","38","35"
Economy,"Brisbane Airport","Default","","","70","60","55","45","50","40","38"
Luxury,"Brisbane Airport","Default","","","110","110","110","105","100","100","90"
Midsize,"Brisbane Airport","Default","","","65","60","55","45","40","40","35"
Premium,"Brisbane Airport","Default","","","90","90","90","85","80","75","70"
Sport Utility,"Brisbane Airport","Default","","","90","90","90","85","80","75","70"

If the user is updating an existing set of rates, the newly imported rates will be displayed, including what the rates were changed from:

Exporting the Rates as a CSV File

It is very important that the formatting of the CSV file is correct. One way to ensure this, is by exporting the rates as a CSV file from the Rates Report and editing it:

How to Import Rates 

System Setup > Rate Import 

Upload, Validate and Import Rates

  1. Click on the "Choose File" button. From here, select the relevant downloaded Rate CSV file. The File name will then be visible
  2. Click on the "Upload & Validate" button

  1. You will then be notified if the file has passed validation. Click on the "Import" Button. The Imported Rates will also be shown:

  1. After clicking on the "Import" button, the following pop up screen will appear. Wait for all rows to be Imported at 100% before selecting the "Close" button. The Rates have now been Imported: 

Import History

To view any previous Imported Rates, click on "Import History". This will then have a dropdown list of all previously recorded Imported Rates:

The Import History record outlines the:
  1. Import Date and Time
  2. User that Imported the Rates 
  3. The Batch Number
  4. Click on the "Details button" to see the Import Details pop up screen

Import Details

Below is the Import Details screen. This contains all the Rates Imported, and if applicable, what the Rates have Changed From and To:

You also have the option to "rollback" this imported CSV File. To do this, click on the "Rollback Import" button. Click "Yes" to confirm the rollback of this import:

A pop up message will appear when the rollback has been completed:

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