Field | Mandatory - Yes / No | Description |
Add to location | Yes | The location or branch office where the insurance fee will be applied. All locations can also be selected |
Insurance Description | Yes | The description or name of the insurance fee |
Type | Yes | The extra fee type. Choose from three options: daily, fixed, and percentage. Daily is a monetary amount charged on a daily basis, fixed is a one-time monetary amount added to the booking fee and percentage is a one-time charge computed as a percentage of the booking fee. Note that Insurance Fees are generally 'Daily' |
Rate | Yes | The actual rate to be charged as the extra fee. The number entered here is based on the extra fee type (see "Type") |
Max Price | No | The maximum insurance fee that can be charged. For example, if the insurance fee is pegged at $5 per day and the length of hire is 20 days, the total insurance fee would be $100. If maximum price is set at $75, Rental Car Manager will charge $75 in insurance fees instead of $100 |
Excess | No | The amount of the policy excess payable in the event of an accident |
Single vehicle accident excess | No | The amount of the policy excess payable in the event of a single vehicle accident |
Category Type or Vehicle Category | No | Set the category type or vehicle category the Insurance Fee will apply to or leave it set to all categories |
Age of Driver From | No | The age group the insurance fee is set from |
Age of Driver to | No | The age group the insurance fee is set to |
Rental Days From | No | The number of rental days the insurance fee starts from |
Rentals Days To | No | The number of rental days the insurance fee goes to |
GL Code | No | The general ledger code used when posting the sales revenue to a third-party financial system. The GL code is normally a sales revenue code from the chart of accounts |
Apply agency commission | Yes | If set to yes, includes the insurance fee in calculating the agency commission |
Apply referral commission | Yes | If set to yes, includes the insurance fee in calculating the referral commission |
Pay operator commission | Yes | If set to Yes, the insurance fee charge is included in calculating the pay operator commission |
Apply Sales Tax (or GST) | Yes | This applies GST, or gross sales tax to the insurance fee. This is set to yes by default |
Display as default | Yes | If set to yes, displays the insurance fee as the default in the insurance fee list when making a booking |
Description | No | Additional details about the insurance fee. These are printed on documents provided to the customer. E.g. rental agreement and invoice |