Fleet Status Report

Fleet Status Report


The Fleet Status Report displays the vehicles in your fleet along with information about the status of the vehicles. The report is normally used to 'stock take' the fleet at a location as it can be printed in a format that can be attached to a clipboard. This can then be used to check that the information within RCM matches the information physically shown by the vehicle in relation to the Actual Vehicle Location, Actual KM's and Actual Cleaned Status.

Printing this report allows you to physically inspect the vehicles at a location and record information that does not match what is saved within RCM. You are then able to update the vehicle information by using the update button in the Fleet Status Report.

Accessing Fleet Status Report:

Reports >> Daily Activity Reports >> Fleet Status report


The report can be run for All Locations or a specific location.
This Location matches the current location of the vehicle.
The report can be run for all regions or a specific region.
If both a Location and a Region are selected, then the Region will be applied.
Category Type
The report can be run for all Category Types or a specific Category Type.
The report can be run for all Vehicle Categories or a specific Vehicle Category.
Vehicle Status
The report can be restricted to vehicles that fall within one of the following statuses:
  1. Available for Booking - this will show all vehicles currently at the location which have been flagged as Available for Hire.
  2. Available or on Non-Revenue Hire - this will show all vehicles currently at the location which have been flagged as Available for Hire and also any vehicles that are currently on Non-Revenue Hire for the current location.
  3. Unavailable for Booking - this will show all vehicles currently at the location which have been flagged as Not Available for Hire.


The Vehicle Category associated with the Vehicle.
The Make and Model associated with the Vehicle.
The registration number of the vehicle.
The Fleet number of the vehicle.
The colour of the vehicle.
Currently Located
The location that the vehicle is recorded a currently being at.
Actual Location
A space allowing the staff member to record the actual location the vehicle is at if it is different from the Current Location saved inside RCM.
Odometer Reading
The current mileage saved against the vehicle inside RCM.
Actual Kms/Mileage
A space allowing the staff member to record the actual mileage of the vehicle if it is different to what is saved inside RCM.
Vehicle Cleaned
The vehicle Cleaned status saved against the vehicle inside RCM.
Actual Vehicle Cleaned Status
A space allowing the staff member to record the actual cleaned status of the vehicle if it is different to what is saved inside RCM.
Next Pickup
The location, date and time of the next pickup for this vehicle.
Update Status
Clicking this button will open a window which allows you to update the following information against the vehicle:
  1. Vehicle Cleaned status
  2. Current Fuel Level
  3. Current Mileage
  4. Current Location.
Non-Revenue Maintenance
Clicking on this button will take you to the screen which allows you to create a new Non-Revenue or Maintenance booking for this vehicle.

If you click on the Update Status button, you will see the screen shown below.

If you click on the New Booking button, you will see the screen shown below, which allows you to create either a new Non-Revenue or Maintenance booking.

Points to Note:

  1. The Fleet Status Report identifies Vehicles the system considers to be idle. ie. Not out on Hire
  2. The report is normally used to 'stock take' the fleet at a location as it can be printed in a format that can be attached to a clipboard.
  3. This can then be used to check that the information within RCM matches the information physically shown by the vehicle in relation to the Actual Vehicle Location, Actual KM's and Cleaned Status.


Click Here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM.

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