Name | Required Yes/No | Description |
Company | Yes | The company name is printed on documents such as the rental agreement, confirmation, receipt and invoice. |
Business Registration | No | The unique number assigned to the company when it is registered. In Australia this is known as the ABN. This name differs from country to country and will be configured for you by RCM technical support when you subscribe to the system. |
Currency | No | The currency is printed on documents that display monetary values such as rental agreements, confirmations, invoices etc. |
Licence No | No | This is the government registered number for the rental operator. When used, it is printed automatically on the top right of the rental agreement document. |
Brand | No | Set this option if you want this company to act as a brand withing RCM. |
Brand Logo | No | The name of the logo to be used for the brand. Must not include spaces - approx 190 x 50 pixels. |
Address | No | The company street address - printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Suburb/Town | No | The suburb/town where the company is located- printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
City | No | The City where the company is located- printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
State/Province | No | The State or Province where the company is located - printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Postcode | No | The Company Postcode- printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Country | No | The Company Country- printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Phone | No | The Company Phone Number- printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Email | Yes | The Company Email Address- printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Fax | No | The Company Fax - printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Website | No | The web site address. Enter in format: |
Free Phone | No | The company free phone- printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Slogan | No | The Slogan if entered will be printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Mobile | No | The company mobile number - printed on the bottom of email confirmations and quotations. |
Privacy URL | No | This URL is the website address to the privacy page on your website if applicable. |
CC Email | No | Email confirmations and quotations are copied to this address as well as the company email address. |
Map URL | No | This URL is a link to your Google Maps location . |
Trading Name | No | The Trading name of the company. |
Banner Image | No | Used for online booking steps, email quotes and confirmations etc. If no banner image is entered, your standard logo will be used. The banner name must not include spaces. size approx 700 x 100 pixels. Please use Image Manager to upload the Banner Image. |
Terms and Conditions URL | No | This URL is the website address for the company's terms and conditions. Enter it in the format (do not include the http://). This will be used in situations like for E-Signatures on Rental Agreements. |
Web Colour | No | This background colour affects emails and the web module . |
Account Payment Details | No | These are printed on the invoice . |
Insurance Hires | No | This determines whether or not this company is set up for demurrage hires. By default this will be set to "No". |