Within RCM you have the capability of enforcing a minimum period of time that must be kept between one booking being Returned and another being Hired (referred to here as turn-around hours) for vehicles. Whenever a check is made as to the availability of the vehicle, the turn-around hours will also be checked. This will occur whenever a booking is created or you are updating an allocated booking. It will also occur when allocating a vehicle to a booking.
There has been 2 recent additions to this functionality.
1. you can now override the Turnaround Hours for Bookings with a Pickup Date of Today.
This is done via the following system parameter
System Setup> System Parameters > Booking Validation Parameters - "Override Turnaround Hours for Bookings with Pickup date of Today"
Set this parameter to 'Yes' if you want to be able to ignore the turnaround hours on the current day.
2. It is now possible to exclude certain days of the week from being included in the turn-around period.
You might do this in the case of campervans where it may take 1 day to clean the vehicle and get it ready for the next booking, if you do not have cleaning staff working on certain days of the week, you will want to remove that day from the turn around period.