Agent Category Availability

Agent Category Availability


The Agent Category Availability page allows you to view and create/update when Vehicle Categories are available to be booked through an agent. This can be identified under three of the following Statuses.
  1. Available for booking (free sale)
  2. Might be available (place a request)
  3. Not available

Important Note:
If your Web Category Availability and Agent Category Availability are the same,  you only need to create/update the  Web Category Availability record as there is the option to "Update Agent Cat Avail".  If this option is selected, you do not need to create or manually update the Agent Category Availability records - this will be done automatically when you click on submit on the Web Category Availability record. 

Using this option when updating a record will only update the Agent Category Availability record where all of the information matches the Web Category Availability record before you made your changes.  It matches on locations, category, status, dates, and minimum booking days.   We therefor recommend that if the Web and Agent Categories are to be the same, that the Agent Category availability records are never changed independently and the following instruction can be ignored.  

Accessing the Agent Category Availability tab

To access the Agent Categories:
Agent Bookings Setup > Agent Categories > Agent Category Availability.

Note that the following Instructions only need to be carried out if the Agent Category Availability record is different from the Web Category Availability record. 

Adding and Viewing Agent Category Availability records 

You are able to filter the Agent Category Availability records by pickup location, category type, and category.

To view an existing record, click on the Category name in red text.
To add a new record, click "Add Agent Category Availability".

This will open the new Agent Category Availability page. Enter the information in the appropriate fields. For more information, see the Field Descriptions table further down in this article.
In the example below, you can see this record is being set up so the Compact Vehicle Category return to Brisbane Airport isn't available between the dates as specified. 

Click "Submit" to save the new record. You will be taken back to the the main Agent Category Availability page, where you will see the newly-added record.

Agent Category Availability Field Descriptions

Pickup Location
Select a pickup location. "All locations" can also be selected.
Dropoff Location
Select a dropoff location. "All locations" can also be selected.
Vehicle Category
Select the Vehicle Category.
Select a status - Available for booking (free sale), Might be available (place a request) or Not available. 
Min. Booking Day(s)
Enter the minimum number of booking days for this record. (Optional).
Start Date
Select a start date where the record is applied from. (Optional).
End Date
Select an end date where the record is applied to. (Optional).

Update or Delete an Agent Category Availability record 

The below article is a generic guide how to update or delete a record:
Updating and Deleting a Record

Points to Note

  1. First add an "Available for Booking" status record to make a vehicle category available. Note that date ranges do NOT apply to these "Available for Booking" records.
  2. You may now add "Might be Available" and "Not Available" status records over specific date ranges. These over-ride availability for the specified date periods.
  3. Vehicle Categories are only displayed if the "Agent Available" field is set to "Yes" in the Agent Categories page.
  4. Multiple records may be added, however dates must not overlap for the same combination.
  5. Records with date ranges take priority over records with no date ranges.
  6. Vehicles will not be available or on Request if any renting date is on the Start Date and End Date range. Vehicles will be available if pickup date is between the Start Date and End Date range.

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