Agent API Bookings Report
The Agent API Bookings report lets you view bookings made by agents where they have used the Agent API to make the booking. You can filter the results by location, booking type and date.
This can be useful for getting an overview of bookings that are made by agents, you can also view the value of the bookings and other booking details.
Accessing Agent API Bookings Report:
Reports >> Daily Activity Reports >> Agent Booking List >> Agent API Bookings
Pickup Location | This report can be run for All Locations or a specific location. |
Date Range Type | This report can be run for one of the following date range types:
- Date Entered
- Pickup Date
- Drop Off Date (hired only)
Date Range
| The date range the report will be run for. |

Res | The reservation number of the booking if it is an allocated booking.
Clicking on the red reservation number will open the Booking Details screen. |
Unallocated | The reservation number of the booking if it is an unallocated booking. Clicking on the red reservation number will open the Booking Details screen. |
Status | The status of the booking |
rcmReferenceID | The rcmReferenceID assigned to the booking.
This is the value which is used if the Agent is using the Agent API to identify this booking.
Reference # | The reference number assigned to the booking. |
Date Booked | The date the boking was created, |
Agent | The name of the Agent against the booking. |
Branch Code | The Branch Code of the agency Branch assigned to the booking. |
Customer | The name of the customer assigned to the booking. |
Category | The vehicle category that is assigned to the booking |
Pick Up | The Pick up location of the booking |
Pick Up Date | the pick up date of the booking. |
Drop Off | The drop off location of the booking |
Drop Off Date | The drop off date of the booking. |
Booking Value | The total cost of the booking. |
Commission | The agent commission amount for this booking, |
Agent Collected | The amount of money that the agent has collected from the customer for this booking. |
Commission Owing | The amount of money that is still owed to the agent for this booking. This is the Agent Collected amount minus the Commission amount.
If this is a negative number, it means that the Rental Car Company owes money to the agent for this booking. |
Click here for details on how to print or export a report from RCM
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