Recent Updates
March 2025: New 'Referrals' Field on Reservations Due Closed Report
The Reservations Due Closed Report has a new column that displays the Referrals name if it is recorded against a booking. This enables you to easily determine if there is money still owing or if this booking is ready to be closed. This report can be ...
January 2025: AE Client Types
RCM now allows you to create your own AE Client Types. These AE Client Types allow you to create Availability Engine utilisation rules that only apply to certain booking requests based on whether they came through RCM, the Web API or different Agency ...
January 2025: Agency Rate Discount
RCM now has Agency Rate Discounts. These are similar to Web Rate Discounts in the sense that they can be specified to only apply to specific locations, categories and during certain dates. However, they can be specified to only apply to specific ...
October 2024: Utilisation Rates Calculation Methods
RCM has utilisation rates which allow you to apply a percentage increase or decrease on rental rates based on the utilisation of your fleet. There are now four ways in which this utilisation can be calculated, demonstrated using a booking request ...
September 2024: Recent Report Updates
There have been a number of small updates to RCM reports recently. This includes adding new fields and filter. New Filters and Feilds in Reports. The Allocate Reservation Report has a new filter Exclude On-Request. When this is selected, any booking ...
August 2024 - Discounts in Agent Direct
RCM has recently updated the Agent direct function to allow discounts to be applied to bookings. For information on what this is, please see the Agent Direct Function article. There are 3 types of discounts that can now apply through agent direct. #1 ...
July 2024: Bookings Days Audit Report
RCM has a new audit report that will find any bookings with discrepancies between the number of days charged, and the actual length of the booking. This Booking Days Audit Report will provide a quick and easy way of locating these bookings, and ...
July 2024: Utilisation Rates by Location
RCM now allows you to set up Utilisation Rate records against specific locations. To access the Utilisation Rate table, go to System Setup >> Rates >> Rate Utilisation. Utilisation Rates allow you to apply increases or decreases in the price of new ...
June 2024: Recent Updates
There have been a few recent updates made in RCM, and they are detailed below. Utilisation Rates in Packages RCM Rate Type Packages can now use utilisation rates. Utilisation rates (if set up) will apply to these package bookings in the same way as ...
April 2024 - New fields in reports
Forward Booking Deposits Report This report now displays the Pickup Location of each booking it displays, as shown in the image below. For more information on this report, please see the Forward Bookings Deposit Report article. Reservations Due ...
April 2024: Customer Company Preferred Insurance
RCM now allows you to set a Preferred Insurance against Customer Companies. This means that any bookings made against this Company will automatically select and use this insurance option. This preferred insurance can be set of the Customer Company ...
March 2024: Creating On Request Bookings
RCM now allows you to manually create On Request bookings. When you create or update an Unallocated Booking in RCM, in the booking form you can set the type to Reservation, On Request, or Cancelled. Setting a booking to On Request this way will make ...
March 2024: Additional Feature - Additional Driver Search
RCM now allows you to search for additional drivers on the Reservation Enquiry and Update Report. In this report, that is accessed by going to Reservations >> Reservation Enquiry and Update, you can search for a customer based on their Last Name, ...
March 2024: Additional Feature - Name Fields as Read Only
You are now able to have the First Name and/or Last Name fields as Read-Only on the Online Check-in and Convert a Quote Pages. This means that the customer will be unable to change the information in these name fields. You may wish to implement this ...
Feb 2024: Additional Feature - Packages for Category Types
RCM now allows you to create a Multi-Category Package. Previously, RCM Packages could only be created for specific Vehicle Categories, as each package deal has a specified rate structure, and these should be different across different categories. ...
Feb 2024: Google Autocomplete Location Now in Address Field
If you have it enabled in your system, the Google Autocomplete Location search allows you to quickly and easily enter a customer's address details into the booking form. This feature used to only be available in the header of the booking form, but it ...
Feb 2024: Additional Feature - Availability Validation When Converting Quotes
If you have the Availability Engine enabled in your system, RCM now performs an availability validation when converting a quotation to an unallocated booking. A quotation can be converted in RCM using the "Convert to Unallocated" button in the ...
Feb 2024: Additional Feature - Email Agreement After Online Check-In
RCM now allows for the automatic emailing of a booking's Rental Agreement to the customer, upon completion of the Online Check-In. If you wish to use this new email, please contact, for help integrating it into your ...
Jan 2024: Additional Feature - Balance Owing in Automations
RCM's automation feature now has Balance Owing as both a condition and a placeholder. This allows you to set up automations that are only triggered if the Balance Owing against the booking is a certain value. E.g. When a booking is cancelled, if the ...
Jan 2024: New - Current Fleet Status Report
RCM now has a report that allows you the view any vehicle in your fleet and see their status at the present moment. This includes being able to see which vehicles are Available, Not Available, Virtual, Off Fleet, Hired, on Maintenance Booking, or on ...
Jan 2024: New - Bookings Without Authorisations Report
RCM has a new report called Bookings Without Authorisations. This report will provide a list of all bookings that do not have active authorisations against them. This include bookings that do not have any authorisations, as well as those that have ...
Dec 2023: Additional Feature - Gateway Payments on Cash Receipts
If you have a Payment Gateway set up in your system, RCM now allows you to take a payment through it when you create a Cash Receipt. This allows for the immediate addition and charge of an extra fee to a booking that is already closed. This feature ...
Nov 2023: Additional Feature - Stripe Updates
RCM has made recent improvements to our integration with the Stripe Payment Gateway. You are now able to add cards to Stripe using Terminals and you are able to delete rebilling tokens. Adding Card to Stripe Using Terminals If you have Stripe Card ...
Nov 2023: Additional Feature - Automations Schedules before Event
All Automations can be sent immediately after or a set number of days after an event occurs. RCM now allows you to create automations that are sent a set number of days before an event is supposed to occur; this function is only available for the ...
Oct 2023: Additional Feature - Bond Payments
If you have either the Windcave or Stipe Payment Gateway setup in your system, you are now able to take Bond Payments. RCM does not treat bond payments any differently from other payments, making a Bond payment means that if you have a bond against a ...
Sept 2023: Additional Feature - Apply Cutoff Time to After Hours Bookings Only
RCM has a feature called Notice Required which allows you to set up the minimum time period required after receiving an online booking before the vehicle can be picked up. This Notice Required period can be hours or days in length and set for ...
Sept 2023: Additional Feature - New Report Fields
Recently there have been updates to several reports within RCM to add new fields and new filters. Please remember that you can specify which field are visible to you in each report, please see the Show Hide and Resize Columns in Reports article for ...
Aug 2023: Additional Feature - Search by Company Account Number
RCM now allows you to search for Companies by both Company Name and Account Number. You are able to add a Company to a booking on the Drivers Details tab on the Booking Form. If you click on the search icon next to "Company", you are able to search ...
Additional Feature - Stripe Receipt Text
RCM now allows you to change the description on the Stripe Receipt emails. This functionality can be enabled by going to System Setup >> Payment Gateway. This will open the screen below, where you can control your Stripe Account/s. At the top of this ...
Additional Feature - Allocated By Operator Report
RCM now has a report that allows you to view the details of bookings allocated by each operator in your system. This is the Allocated By Operator Report. This report displays the total number of bookings allocated by each Operator within the selected ...
Additional Feature - Buyback Information
RCM now allows you to record the Buyback financial information of a vehicle. This can be done through the Vehicle Summary page, accessed by: Vehicle Maintenance >> Vehicle Update >> Access Details for you chosen vehicle. At the bottom of the Vehicle ...
Additional Feature - Passport System Parameter
Within RCM, there is a system parameter called "Display Passport Number Optional/Mandatory", which controls whether or not a drivers Passport Number is required when creating or updating a booking. To access this, go to System Setup >> System ...
Additional Feature - Tracking Vehicle Emissions
RCM now allows you to track the emissions produced by a vehicle. You are able to see the emissions produced for each booking or as a total for a vehicle. There are two items that need to be setup to allow this tracking to start: Set the Emission Unit ...
Additional Feature - Exclusions for Online Check-In Reminders
RCM now allows you to set up exclusions for Online Check-In Reminder emails. This feature allows you to use certain fields to setup exclusions, so that these emails will not automatically send for bookings with specified details. For example, you can ...
Additional Feature - Display the User that Deletes Cards from the Vault
RCM now records which user deletes cards from the Secure Credit Card Vault and displays this on the booking form. Cards in the vault can be deleted when you view them if you click the "Delete" button at the bottom on the window. You can view who ...
Additional Feature - Labels in the Extra Signable Sections
RCM now allows you to personalise the text shown in the Extra Signable Sections to each individual booking using Labels. Labels are act like placeholders that are replaced by a booking's specific information when it is signed and when it appears on ...
New - Tiered System for Customer Data Retention
The Identity Data Retention Policy was implemented to prevent the compromise of customer information. This is done by permanently obscuring Identity Data after a set retention period. A recent update has been made to improve this Retention Policy by ...
New System Parameter Allows Customers to Make a Payment through Payment Gateway
If you have a Payment Gateway set up in your system, RCM now allows you to attach a link to customer invoices so they can process outstanding payments themselves. This can be done using the new system parameter shown below. You will also have to get ...
Additional Feature - Allow Update of Extra Fee Name on Booking Form
A change has been made to the Booking Form within RCM which will allow you to change the name of an extra fee saved against the booking. This change will only be reflected on the booking in question. To enable access to edit the name of the extra fee ...
Agent API Modification to Allow for Passing in of Agent Collected Amount When Creating a Booking
RCM now allows you to decide if an Agent is able to pass in the agent collected amount when creating a booking using the Agent API. If the agent passes this value in, then RCM will not calculate the agent collected amount for the booking and will ...
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