Vehicle Reports and Lists
Current Fleet Status Report
Purpose The Current Fleet status report allows you to view the status of any vehicle in your fleet at the present time. This includes whether the vehicle is Off Fleet, Virtual, currently on Hire, currently on Maintenance and also if it is Available. ...
Vehicle Utilisation Log
Purpose: The Vehicle Utilisation Log allows you to view the utilisation start and end dates for a single or multiple vehicles over a date range. Accessing the Vehicle Utilisation Log Vehicle Maintenance >> Vehicle Utilisation Log Viewing the ...
Vehicle Specification Report
Purpose The Vehicle Specifications Report allows you to view the vehicles that have a specific Category Field against them. Category Fields are used for additional features such as a Sunroof, towbars etc. For more information on setting up Category ...
Vehicle Registration Change Report
Purpose The Vehicle Registration Change Report shows a list of all changes to Registrations for a Location, Category or Individual Vehicle and can be run for a specific period. Accessing the Vehicle Registration Change Report Vehicle Maintenance >> ...
Vehicle Maintenance Cost Report
Purpose The Vehicle Maintenance Cost Report summarizes the maintenance costs and KMs travelled per vehicle by location and vehicle category for a certain date range. This report will return all vehicles that have had a maintenance charge against them ...
Deleted Vehicles List
Purpose The Deleted Vehicle List is a list that includes the details of all the vehicles that have been deleted from your fleet. Note that deleted vehicles still retain their transaction history. Deleting a vehicle will not delete the information ...
Fleet List
Purpose The Fleet List is a list that includes the details of all the vehicles currently in your fleet. Note that it does not include deleted vehicles - you can view those on the Deleted Vehicles list. Accessing the Fleet List Vehicle Maintenance >> ...