'Quick' Menus
Quick Update Vehicle Status
Purpose The Quick Vehicle Update Status option allows for the update of important vehicle information immediately prior to a hire. This information includes the cleaned status, current fuel level, current mileage and where the vehicle is located. ...
Quick Reservation by Vehicle
Purpose The Quick Reservation by Vehicle function allows you to quickly create a reservation when you know which vehicle is to be assigned. Note that this function also allows you to make maintenance and non-revenue bookings. See the article below ...
Reservation Quick Search
Purpose A new feature has been added to the top of the RCM screen – Reservation Quick Search. This is a quick way to search all reservations based on specific criteria . When you have filled in relevant field/s it will then take you to the ...
Quick Reservation
Purpose The Quick Reservation page only displays vehicles that are available for the selected dates and locations. It also recognises vehicles that may be required for unallocated bookings. The Quick Reservation page can be used to answer common ...
Quick Quote
Purpose Quick Quote allows you to quickly get a price for a booking. It is normally used for phone or walk-in enquiries and does not require any customer details to be provided nor does it create a new quotation in the system. Quick Quote also now ...
Quick Return
Purpose The Quick Return feature provides the operator with a quick way to update a booking to a Returned status. To use this feature, the balance of the booking must be $0 and there should be no extra charges that need to be applied to the ...