Getting more out of RCM
Utilisation Rates Overview
Overview RCM allows you to set up rate changes based on the utilisation level of your fleet. These Utilisation Rates are a percentage increase or decrease on top of normal seasonal rates based on how many vehicles are booked. For example, you could ...
Taxes Overview
Overview Rental Car Manager (RCM) allows for the automatic calculation of tax fees on any booking made in your system. You are able to specify what booking fees tax applies to, and how it applies. There are various system setup rules and parameters ...
Turnaround Hours Overview
Overview Turnaround hours are the length of time required between a vehicle being returned before it can be picked up for it's next booking. This period is designed to encompass all the time needed to move the vehicle between locations, clean it, ...
RCM Additional Features
Overview RCM has a variety of additional features and integrations that you can choose to implement into your system. They are designed to enhance and stream-line the running of your business as well as provide your system with further capabilities. ...
Integrated Payment Gateway - Stripe
Overview Rental Car Manager (RCM) has partnered with Stripe to make their platform the default payment processing option in RCM. Having Stripe as the default payment processing options allows for the following actions: Saving the card details as a ...
Damage Management
Overview Rental Car Manager (RCM) has a Damage Management function which allows you to record information about any damage that occurs to vehicles. You also have the option of linking these damage records to hired and returned bookings within RCM. ...
Processing of Infringements/Tolls within RCM
Overview Within RCM there is an Infringement Processing module which allows you to easily perform the following actions in regards to any infringements/tolls that come in: Find the relevant booking Assign the infringement/toll to the relevant booking ...
Online Payment Functionality
Overview RCM has functionality which allows for real-time payments rather than just saving a credit card against a booking to be manually processed at a later date. At this point in time the payment gateways that RCM integrates with are: VostroPay ...
Rental Car Manager (RCM) provides extensive functionality for those operators who take bookings from Agents. An Agent is considered to be a third party who takes a booking on behalf of a rental car operator and in doing so takes either a partial or a ...
As a Rental Car Company you may have individuals, businesses or organisations that may refer customers to you. In some of these cases you may have an agreement in place where you pay some form of commission to these referrers. Rental Car Manager ...
System Parameters within RCM
Overview With Rental Car Manager (RCM), there are system parameters which enable you to control some of the functionality within RCM. These can be found by choosing the System Parameters option under the System Setup menu. The flags are broken into ...
Extra Item Tracking
Overview As a Rental Car Operator there are physical items (such as child seats, GPS units, snow chains, etc), that can be placed into vehicles when they are hired. You may wish to keep track of these physical items. Rental Car Manager (RCM) refers ...
Extra Fees
Overview Rental Car Manager (RCM) allows you to setup extra charges that can be added to a booking in addition to the rental rates. There are different types of extra charges that can be setup within RCM, they are listed below: Extra Fees Insurance ...
Different Brands within one RCM System
Overview RCM allows you to run multiple brands from within the one RCM system. Branding allows you to have different logos and brand names for customer documents such as quotations, confirmations, and rental agreements. Following is a Knowledge Base ...
Security and Access within RCM
Overview Within Rental Car Manager (RCM) the functionality around operator access and the restrictions placed upon this access can be broken down into several areas. Roles Restricting Logins Access Levels for Users Access to Menu Items Accessing ...
Vehicle Servicing
Purpose RCM has a Vehicle Servicing function which allows you to set up the services that can be performed on your vehicles and then keep track of any as they occur. You are able to record any costs against the services as they are performed. These ...
Scheduling Function
Purpose Rental Car Manager has a Scheduling Function available. This function allows you to re-organise allocated bookings to provide the best possible utilisation of the vehicles available. The Scheduling function will try to fit all of the ...
E-Signing of Rental Agreements - Overview
Purpose Rental Car Manager has the functionality to allow customers to Electronically Sign (or E-Sign) a Rental Agreement. To have this functionality setup within your system please contact RCM Support ( Once the ...
Credit Cards within RCM
Rental Car Manager allows you to securely store your customers’ credit card(s) against a booking. To ensure that this meets the Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance requirements set out by Visa, MasterCard and other card providers a tokenized ...
RCM Reports
Reports within RCM There are many and varied reports available within Rental Car Manager (RCM), allowing you to query information for a variety of reason. These reports can be broken down into the following categories: Booking Reports Sales/Financial ...