Q: How can I create a vehicle inspection for a booking and email it to my customer?
When you perform an Inspection against a vehicle, this Inspection is saved against the vehicle itself, not any particular bookings. This means that it will apply to the next booking due against the vehicle after the inspection is performed. For ...
Q: How are vehicles ordered on the Reservation Sheet?
The following system parameter controls how the order in which vehicles are displayed on the Reservation Sheet. It can be found by going to System Setup >> System Parameters >> Reservation Sheet Defaults. When it is set to Reg #, the vehicles will be ...
Q: How do I resolve a vehicle booking overlap?
When trying to update or extend a booking, you may receive the following error message: "Vehicle not available, overlap with vehicle change on res ###" This is caused by part of the booking overlapping with another booking that has had a Change ...
Q: How do I share vehicles between locations?
If you have multiple locations and your vehicles frequently move between them, you may end up with a surplus of vehicles at some locations and be unable to meet demand at others. As such, RCM has various ways of managing the sharing of vehicle ...
Q. How can I enforce turn-around hours when allocating vehicles?
Q. How can I enforce turn-around hours when allocating vehicles? Within RCM you have the capability of enforcing a minimum period of time that must be kept between one booking being Returned and another being Hired (referred to here as turn-around ...
Q: Where do I go to start entering a Reservation?
Q: Where do I go to start entering a Reservation? A: Reservations may be entered and updated either from the Reservation Sheet or the Reservation Enquiry and Update screen. The following options on the Reservation menu can also be used to create a ...
Q: Where can we change the pickup and drop off times from "By Appointment only" to reflect the actual time the booking was made?
A: Whether the pickup and drop off times are displayed on confirmations is controlled from the System Setup menu. Click System Parameters and update the "Display Pickup and Drop off Time on Quotes and Email Confirmations" option from No to Yes. The ...
Q: When I click the Reservation Sheet to maintain or add a Reservation, nothing happens. Why doesn't the Reservation Form appear?
A: This happens when you already have another browser window open behind the current browser window. If you click the taskbar and select the other browser window, you will find the new form displayed. If you have multiple windows open, you'll have to ...
Q: When a vehicle is swapped at a location different from the original drop off location, does the original vehicle's current location get updated?
A: It depends on the location selected at the time of the vehicle swap. In the screenshot below, the value of the Changed at Location field is the location assigned to the original vehicle after the vehicle swap. For more details, see the Change ...
Q: When a vehicle is out on hire, we sometimes need to do a vehicle exchange for whatever reason. What is the best way to record the time, date, kms, location, etc. of the vehicle exchange?
A: For vehicle changes, you should use the Change Vehicle feature, which allows you to change the assigned vehicle for the contract as well as record the time, date, kms, location, etc. of the vehicle exchange. It also allows you to track traffic ...
Q: My operator needs to add infringement fees to a closed reservation. How can I give him access to reopen a contract?
A: You can add fees to a closed reservation. The Cash Receipts function allows additional charges to be added to the contract even when the reservation has been closed. For more details, see the Cash Receipts article.
Q: Is there any way we can input kms for a maintenance or non-revenue booking? We would want to enter this information if it went to a panel beater and we wanted to record the kms out and the kms in, to make sure it wasn't driven any further than it needed to be.
A: The system always tracks kilometres out and kilometres in, even for maintenance and non-revenue bookings.
Q: Is it possible to view the booking or reservation sheet by hours in the day rather than by days ?
A: Yes, from the Reservation Sheet, you are able to click on the Date at the top of the screen and a Reservation Sheet for that day, broken down into hour intervals will open a Day Sheet. You can see below where you would click if you wanted to see ...
Q: I have closed a reservation after returning the vehicle and taking full payment but now I need to add more charges. How do I update a closed reservation?
A: Rental Car Manager's Cash Receipts feature allows you to add charges and process payments against closed and completed bookings. To add more charges to a closed reservation, follow the procedure below. On the Reservation Menu, click Cash Receipts. ...
Q: How do I use the Reservation Sheet?
A: The Reservation Sheet allows you to visually review all your bookings in a grid with various colours representing reserved, hired and returned vehicles. It also allows for the moving of a booking to a different vehicle and access to update the ...
Q: How do I make a non-revenue booking?
A: There are two ways you can create a non-revenue booking. The first option is the same as that for revenue bookings, except that you have to indicate on the Booking Details tab that the booking is a Non-Revenue booking. For more details, see the ...
Q: Can the system automatically follow up on quotations ?
A: The RCM system doesn't 'automatically' schedule follow ups on quotations. However the Quote Management function allows you to easily manage unconverted quotations. There are a large number of filters available including location, dates, ...
Q: How do we stop the Booking Email confirmation being copied ( cc'd) to us
A: When a customer is sent a booking confirmation this is always by default copied to your companies email address or pickup locations address depending on how the system is configured. This copy or "CC" on the email confirmation is compulsory. If ...
Q: My operator needs to add infringement fees to a closed reservation. How can I give him access to reopen a contract?
A: You can add fees to a closed reservation. The Cash Receipts program allows additional charges to be added to the contract even when the reservation has been closed. For more details, see Cash Receipts on the Reservation User Manual.
Q: Why are the Kms Out not appearing correctly when a booking is updated to Hired?
Issues with current vehicle mileage and booking mileage/KM's out When a booking is hired or returned the system will only update the current vehicle mileage if the current mileage is less than the 'mileage out' or 'mileage in' saved within the ...
Q: When I change a booking to another vehicle half way through a hire, the Reservation Sheet shows the whole booking against the new vehicle?
A: The Reservation sheet always shows the current vehicle assigned to a particular reservation. It will not display details relating to past changes of vehicles. However the system does hold the information relating to which vehicle was assigned to a ...
Q: How do I add a company / company + driver to an existing reservation?
A: If you have already created a reservation and you want to assign a company to the booking, you will first need to assign the driver (hirer) to the company, and then assign it to the booking. This can be useful if you want to be able to invoice an ...
Q: Can I allow a quote to be confirmed and paid online by a customer?
A: Yes, when a customer receives a quote in their email inbox, there is an option that allows the customer to confirm whether they would like to proceed with a booking. When this option is clicked in the emailed confirmation, an online confirmation ...
Q: What's the best way to check vehicle availability?
A: The Reservation Sheet will visually give you a good indication as to whether a vehicle is available. If you have unallocated bookings, another option is to view the Quick Reservation page. This allows you to enter specific booking dates and will ...
Q: What is the easiest way to do a multi-vehicle hire?
A: The Quick Reservation feature allows you to quickly hire multiple vehicles for a given date range. See the Quick Reservation article for more information.
Q: Is it possible to make a single booking for multiple vehicles or copy another booking?
A: There is no option to add multiple vehicles to a quote or booking You would need to create a quote/booking for each vehicle. To make this easier, you can use the 'Copy Booking' feature. . Please see this article for full information Copy ...
Q: I want to remove a vehicle. Should I delete the vehicle? If I delete it, will the history still be there?
A: If you want to remove a vehicle, you should set the "Available for Booking" flag on the Vehicle record to "No". To do this, follow the procedure below. 1. Go to Vehicle Maintenance, then click Vehicle Update. 2. View all the vehicles or search for ...
Q: I want to change or upgrade the Vehicle for a Hired Reservation. How do I do this?
A: Once a vehicle has been hired out, to change or upgrade the assigned vehicle, you must use the Change Vehicle feature under the Reservation Enquiry and Update. For more information see the Change Vehicle article.