Vehicle Scheduling and Availability Report
The Vehicle Scheduling and Availability Report shows you the number of allocated and unallocated pickups as well as the number of available vehicles per vehicle category.
It will also show the number of Excess vehicles and any vehicle shortages.
This report can be run across all locations or for just one location.
Accessing Vehicle Scheduling and Availability Report

| Can be run for "All Locations" or a specific Location. This is the pickup location.
Category Type
| Can be run for "All Category Types" or a specific category type.
Vehicle Category
| Can be run for "All Category" or a specific Vehicle Category.
If both a Category Type and a Vehicle Category are chosen, the Vehicle Category will be used.
Pickup Date Range
| The date range that the report will be run for. This will only apply to the Pickup Dates of the reservations.
Below is an example of the report running.

Location | The Location of the vehicles |
Category | The Vehicle Category being reported upon |
Currently Available Vehicles | The total number of vehicles that are available for the vehicle category and location being reported upon. |
Pickup Count | The number of allocated bookings that have a pickup date that falls within the date range for the report for this Location and Category. |
Unallocated Pickup Count | The number of unallocated bookings that have a pickup date that falls within the date range for the report for this Location and Category. |
Total Pickup Count | The total number of both the allocated and unallocated bookings with a pickup date that falls within the report date range for this Location and Category. |
Excess Vehicles | The total number of vehicles that are still available after all of the pickups are taken into account. Excess Vehicles = Currently Available Vehicles - Total Pickup Count. |
Shortage Vehicles | Any shortage of vehicles at the location within the date range will be shown here. If there is no shortage, this field will not have a value in it. |
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