Aside from Broadcast Messages, you can also post To Do Items for your employees. The To List is right under the Message Board on the RCM dashboard / home screen.
Once this task has been completed, you can click the "Done" button for it to disappear.
Accessing the To Do List
The To Do List can be accessed on the RCM dashboard / home screen. When you login, this is the first screen you will see. If you need to navigate back to the dashboard, click on the Rental Car Manager logo at the top left of the screen, or the "Home" icon at the top right.
From here you can either click on "Create To Do Item" or "All Items".
Adding To Do List Items
To add a To Do List Item, click on the "Create To Do Item" button. This will open the To Do List tab.
Enter in the following fields:
- To Do Item (Mandatory) - Enter the to do list information.
- Due Date - The date this to do list item is due.
- Expiry Date - The date this item will no longer show on the dashboard / home screen.
- Assign To (Mandatory) - Select who this item needs to be completed by. You can also additionally add any secondary users to the task and add this item to one location if required.
Click "Submit" to save changes.
The to do list is then displayed on the RCM dashboard / home screen.
Viewing, Updating and Deleting To Do List Items
On the RCM dashboard / home screen on the To Do List, click on the "All Items" button.
Here you will see two titles: "To Do List" and "Items Created By Me" .
"To Do List" - Clicking on the "Done" button for this to do list record will result in this item no longer displaying on your dashboard. It will also update the "Completed" field under the "Items Created By Me" to "Yes".
"Items Created By Me" - These are all your to do list items that you have created. You also have the option to "Update" and "Delete" any of these items.