Reservation Sheet - Same Day Turnaround Bookings Indicator & New Unavailable Within Location Legend Colour: Blue

Reservation Sheet - Same Day Turnaround Bookings Indicator & New Unavailable Within Location Legend Colour: Blue

Two changes have been made to the Reservation Sheet.

The first change is a new legend indicator to show the user that there is a same day turnaround hire. The upcoming reservation on the same day will have a red arrow to indicate the same day turnaround. Note that clicking on the "Same Day" button at the top on the reservation sheet will make all the upcoming same day reservations flash for a few seconds to warn the user about prioritising particular reservations, such as those with the same day turnaround.

The second change is to do with the "Unavailable with location" legend now being a light blue colour. This is purely for interface reasons so the user can easily identify vehicle unavailability. 

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