Rental Toll Manager - New

Rental Toll Manager - New

Rental Toll Manager Overview

Rental Toll Manager (RTM) is our new tolling solution that allows you to manage the importing, payment, and cost recovery of every toll transaction that relates to your fleet.

Note that as a prerequisite, you must have a payment gateway setup in RCM to process the payments. 

If you would like to setup RTM or just want more information about it, please contact

Once RTM has been setup for you, it can be accessed through our secure portal.

The home screen as above allows you to import and manage all tolling transactions


Uploading a Linkt File will load and process the tolling information.  The system will match the toll to the booking based on the registration of the vehicle and the time it passed through the toll.

The payment process will then occur, where the system will automatically  take payment for the tolls where the booking has a valid and current credit card stored against the customer.

Failed Payments 

If there is no Credit Card, or the Credit Card is not valid, expired or has insufficient funds, the toll will appear in the Failed Payments area for follow-up and provide the trip details and the reason for the failure.

Once the issue with the credit card has been rectified, you are able to manually reprocess the payment.


Viewing Toll Information in Rental Car Manager

Any booking that has tolls associated, will appear with a ‘Tolls’ section on the booking summary along with the Rental Toll Manager Integration link at the bottom of the sheet.



Clicking on the Rental Toll Manager link above will display the full trip details and payment information for the booking

If you would like more information regarding the setup, use or pricing of Rental Toll Manager, please contact

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