Q: How do I get the number of days in a booking recalculate when a booking is returned early?

Q: How do I get the number of days in a booking recalculate when a booking is returned early?

A:  When a booking is returned early, you have the option to recalculate the number of days.

Note that for the Actual Dropoff Warning box to appear as below, you need to have the  following System Parameter set to Yes.

When this parameter is set to Yes, the 'Actual Dropoff Warning' will appear on the Booking Details tab when the booking status is changed to 'Returned' and  the current date and time is prior to the booking dropoff date and time.

In the above example the booking has been returned 2 days early reducing the number of days in the booking from 8 to 6.

You can ignore the warning, and still charge for the 8 days
You can change the dropoff date/time to the current date/time which will recalucate the number of days and adjust the charge accordingly.

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